Fox News Contributor Branded A 'Moron' For Extraordinary Claim About Slavery

"Google when slavery started and ended if you don’t want to be known for your ignorance."

The US news channel that brought us such classics as “Birmingham is a Muslim-only city” and “the UK wiretapped Trump” has surpassed itself once again with an extraordinary claim about slavery.

Tuesday’s episode of Fox News’ “Outnumbered” addressed the national debate – or lack thereof – about the injustices of American slavery and the lasting impact it has had on generations of black Americans.

During the debate, Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich stunned the other guests when she said: “They keep blaming America for the sin of slavery but the truth is, throughout human history, slavery existed, and America came along as the first country to end it within 150 years.

“And we get no credit for that to move forward and try to make good on that.”

The topic arose after Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren said she would support a debate on reparations for the descendants of former slaves.

Pavlich is not a fan and claimed it would in fact make matters worse, saying: “If you want to inflame racial tension even more, start blaming people who have nothing to do with slavery for the sin of slavery.

“That is not fair, that’s not the American way, and we shouldn’t be doing it.”

Pavlich’s claim is far from accurate – a number of countries outlawed slavery before the US in 1865.

She did later correct her comments in a post on Twitter, but not before engaging in a heated row with journalist Soledad O’Brien‏ who branded her a “moron”.


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