Grant Shapps' Attempts To Oust Theresa May Prompt Tories To Get Sassy On Twitter

'Just stop.'

After breaking cover to reveal he is leading the move to oust Theresa May, Grant Shapps is now getting a thorough pasting from many of his Tory colleagues - even on Twitter.

The party, which is trying to figure out how best it should be reaching younger voters, has suffered ridicule for its meagre Instagram attempts, but it seems its members are upping the sass on Twitter following Shapps’ revelation.

Wells and Somerset MP James Heappey probably wins first prize with this top GIF contribution:


— James Heappey MP (@JSHeappey) October 6, 2017

Then there was this little serving of sauce from Michael Fabricant:

Grant Shapps is an anagram of 'nag trash PPS'
Any more anagram suggestions or for his alter-ego Mike Green?

— Michael Fabricant (@Mike_Fabricant) October 6, 2017

Followed with another:

I only have one word for him but i cannot use it on Twitter

— Ian Flynn (@IFFlynn) October 6, 2017

Ribble Valley’s Nigel Evans went with a selfie:

Thanks Grant Shapps for rearranging my Day ... not!

— nigelevansRibbleV. (@nigelmp) October 6, 2017

Braintree MP James Cleverly kept it simple:

I've always liked @grantshapps but he really is doing himself, the party, and (most importantly) the country no favours at all. Just stop

— James Cleverly (@JamesCleverly) October 6, 2017

While Mid Bedfordshire’s Nadine Dorries really went for it:

This, is what delusion looks like.

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorries) October 6, 2017

And MP for Thurrock, Jackie Doyle-Price denied Shapps spoke for her and her colleagues:

Grant Shapps speaks for noone. Our conference showed the party is four square behind the PM.

— Jackie Doyle-Price (@JackieDP) October 6, 2017

To add insult to injury, according to the Spectator’s Steerpike, Shapps was actually left out of the infamous Tory WhatsApp group.

But while Twitter appear to be working well for the Tories, Instagram hasn’t been quite such a success.

The party has been mocked for its “behind the scenes” photos of their conference, which aren’t exactly 🔥🔥🔥...

I'm sorry but what is this, I'm hyperventilating

— Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian) October 3, 2017

Wow this sponsored post on my Instagram feed seems electric

— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) October 1, 2017

Shapps, who has told HuffPost UK that he has made no secret of his intentions to Downing Street, confirmed his role in the plot after the Times newspaper reported he was the man organising the rebellion.

A raft of Cabinet ministers and senior backbenchers have come out to defend May after her Tory conference speech was something of a disaster.

But despite this, one MP texted the Government Chief Whip on Thursday evening to say May “needs to go and go now”, HuffPost UK revealed.

Some 48 MPs are needed to formally trigger a confidence vote in the party leader, but Shapps hopes that she will resign after an informal approach from MPs who worry she is damaging the party’s chances of re-election.


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