Harvey Weinstein Scandal Prompts Women To Reveal Their Experiences Of Sexual Assault And Harassment

'We might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.'

Warning: This article contains details of sexual assault which some people may find distressing.

Women around the world are sharing their experiences of being sexually assaulted and harassed - some after keeping silent for decades - using a hashtag in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal.

The words “Me too” and the hashtag #MeToo trended on Twitter as women spoke up about their experiences.

Others also used the words to share their support and show how widespread the problem is in the wake of a slew of allegations about Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Some women said they were revealing for the first time what happened to them years ago:

#MeToo I am 37 years old & it happened when I was 7/8 & I have never spoken about it until now.

— Erin Holley (@beckstone) October 16, 2017

Took me 50+ years to tell my story but when I did it was a weight rolling off of my shoulders. No longer ashamed it wasn't my fault

— Sharon Ritenour (@SharonAlmalee) October 15, 2017

I was raped 13 years ago. I've never gone public with it until now. #MeToo

— Serena Stampfer (@Serena_Stampfer) October 16, 2017

I’m 58....I just told my husband if 20 years last week. I cried for four hours. -sigh-

— AL (@DesignAlisa) October 15, 2017

It was about 20 years that I was silent, scared, and hated myself. Now, I don't feel alone. It's heartbreaking that I'm NOT alone. #MeToo

— Natasha Thorne (@NeverNatasha) October 16, 2017

I was sexually assaulted by a "nice guy" 4 years ago. Am only now realizing how my severe anxiety is linked to PTSD from this trauma #MeToo

— Katie K (@rebel_ghoul) October 16, 2017

My godbrother molested me 4 years when I was little. Earliest maybe 3. Oldest maybe 8. 41 now &still fucks me up. Only now can I say #MeToo

— CYD (@ocydo) October 16, 2017

The hashtag started at the suggestion of Alyssa Milano, who starred alongside alleged Weinstein victim Rose McGowan in television series Charmed.

If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet. pic.twitter.com/k2oeCiUf9n

— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) October 15, 2017

This prompted many women to speak up, including MPs and celebrities...

Me too.

— stellacreasy (@stellacreasy) October 15, 2017

Me too.

— Jameela Jamil (@jameelajamil) October 16, 2017

Me too

— Anna Paquin (@AnnaPaquin) October 15, 2017

Me too https://t.co/ScX67Kmmiy

— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) October 15, 2017

While others shared their experiences...

I was told that it wasn’t assault.
I was told that I should take it as a compliment.
I was told not to be over dramatic.#MeToo

— 👻sally👻 (@bchdoyle) October 16, 2017

#MeToo. I've been assaulted and harassed (like literally every woman ever) and I still questioned whether it counted.
It counts. Always.

— Chelsea Mayne (@ChelseaElizabe1) October 16, 2017

My whole Facebook feed is “me, too.” Me, too.

— Tracy Chou 👩🏻💻 (@triketora) October 16, 2017

Others, both women and men, also expressed their support for victims...

To everyone who's posted a #MeToo tweet I want you to know I think you're incredibly courageous, it's not your fault and I believe you.

— Samuel Brown (@samueljohnbrown) October 16, 2017

If you dismiss or mock the #MeToo stories as "typical snowflake liberals" - you need to recognise that you are part of the problem.

— James Melville (@JamesMelville) October 16, 2017

There’s no shame in not sharing your #MeToo story, and there’s no ‘bad enough to count’ threshold. You count, and I believe you. ❤️

— Jess (@theJDuce) October 16, 2017

To everyone sharing with #MeToo - I need to say the thing most of us never hear - I believe you.

— Kate G (@writeriowa) October 16, 2017

British police are investigating five sexual assault allegations involving Weinstein, sources confirmed to the Press Association after more women came forward to make complaints.

On Sunday, an alleged victim said Weinstein assaulted her in Westminster in 1992. Earlier in the day, Scotland Yard confirmed three allegations were made relating to sexual assaults in London in 2010, 2011 and 2015.

This followed another allegation, made against the movie mogul, passed to Scotland Yard detectives by Merseyside Police this week, relating to an alleged sexual assault in the capital in the late 1980s.

The five allegations relate to three complainants.

Meanwhile, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey pledged to tighten rules on hate speech and other issues amid a boycott of the platform over the way it handled McGowan’s tweets on Weinstein.

  • Rape Crisis services for women and girls who have been raped or have experienced sexual violence - 0808 802 9999
  • Survivors UK offers support for men and boys - 0203 598 3898

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