Jacob Rees-Mogg Slammed For 'Appalling' Comment About Civil Servants

"To insult public servants in this way is contemptible," Dave Penman from the FDA union said.
Former business secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Former business secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Aaron Chown - PA Images via Getty Images

Jacob Rees-Mogg has been slammed for an “appalling” comment about striking civil servants.

The former cabinet minister shared a story by the Daily Mail about a planned walk out by civil servants, commenting: “If they are not in the office will anyone notice?”

Up to 100,000 civil servants are set to take industrial action on February 1 in a dispute over jobs, pay and conditions.

However, Rees-Mogg’s comment sparked a fierce backlash with one union leader describing it as “contemptible”.

They have been the membrane that are keeping this great nation from toppling completely. You clearly have no idea of the debt you and your party owe the civil service. Disgraceful and enraging. 😡 https://t.co/Y4Ma3RkfLD

— Professor Lucy Easthope (@LucyGoBag) January 12, 2023

Dave Penman, general secretary of the FDA trade union for civil servants, said: “What an appalling, tone deaf way to talk about public servants who served you and your government in the most extraordinary of circumstances.

“By all means disagree with them but to insult public servants in this way is contemptible from a former minister and member of parliament.”

Labour MP Mary Kelly Foy commented: “Oh do us a favour and go have a lie down Jacob.”

Another Twitter user commented sarcastically: “Wow. He truly values the public service doesn’t he.”

Bristol East Labour MP Kerry McCarthy added: “Shocking contempt for your constituents Jacob, many of whom work in civil services jobs in the Bristol area. This undervaluing of public servants is why we’re in the state we are.”

The civil servants I worked with at the Treasury were unfailingly diligent, hard working and most of them could have earned three times as much in the private sector. The contempt they are held in by some senior Tories reflects more on the latter https://t.co/TNyBFh6seG

— James Chapman (@jameschappers) January 12, 2023

Rees-Mogg often targeted civil servants in his drive to get people to return to the office at the end of the Covid pandemic.

As Brexit Opportunities and Government Efficiency minister he infamously left “passive aggressive” notes on their desks, saying: “Sorry you were out when I visited. I look forward to seeing you in the office very soon. With every good wish, Rt Hon Jacob Rees-Mogg MP.”

He later vowed to crackdown on flexitime, accused them of blocking Brexit laws and promised to fight their “woke indoctrination”.

Why is Liz Truss planning to scrap diversity officers in the civil service?

Jacob Rees-Mogg: "I don't believe they're doing anything useful" - it's a scheme "created by the woke for the woke" #KayBurley #ToryLeadershipRace BH pic.twitter.com/1YTAfmMmen

— Kay Burley (@KayBurley) August 2, 2022

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