Keir Starmer Tears Apart David Davis's Brexit Bill, Calls It 'Extraordinary Power Grab'

Keir Starmer on πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯

Keir Starmer has demonstrated how the Great Repeal Bill would effectively give the Government power over virtually every aspect of the lives of British citizens.

The Labour Shadow Brexit Secretary and QC branded the proposed Conservative legislation a β€œhuge power grab” by ministers that would β€œreduce MPs to spectators”.

In a speech that forensically dissected David Davis’s Bill detailing how Britain will leave the EU, the former Director of Public Prosecutions described the use of so-called β€˜Henry VIII powers’ as β€œextraordinary in their scope”

Tory front bench looking very uncomfortable as @Keir_Starmer destroys their arguments for this Bill.

β€” Pat McFadden (@patmcfaddenmp) September 7, 2017

This is incredible stuff from Keir Starmer on the EU Withdrawal Bill. Riveting.

β€” Dumbo's Feather (@Communitaria71) September 7, 2017

Starmer outlined how two clauses in the bill in its present form would give incredibly broad and sweeping powers to ministers that would not be subject to Parliamentary approval.


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