Luisa Zissman Reveals She Found First-Time Motherhood 'Awful' And Called Her Daughter A 'Slug'

'My mum thought I was horrible.'

Luisa Zissman has revealed she struggled with motherhood the first time around, admitting that she called her first daughter a “slug”.

The 30-year-old mum, who announced she was expecting her third child in June 2017, was on ‘Loose Women’ discussing how she hates being pregnant.

“I called her a slug,” she said on the ITV show on Thursday 10 August, speaking about her daughter Dixie, now six.

“My mum thought I was horrible but I was like: ‘She is like a slug, she doesn’t do anything she just lays there.’”


Zissman said: “I was 23 and I thought I’m going to have a baby and put her in pink outfits and then the baby was there and I was like, this is the most awful, depressing, horrendous experience.”

The mum also discussed her thoughts on pregnancy, after telling fans in July 2017 that she “hates growing babies”.

“You first think its wonderful, you can eat everything, but I was like: ‘Damn it I’m four stone heavier now’ and it’s suddenly not so much fun,” she said on the show.

“I would get really bad migraines. It’s life-limiting and miserable.”

But she enjoys giving birth, adding: “When I had Dixie, I was asleep in the pool of water, it was just wonderful as she was coming out, it was a euphoric I was on a high, it makes me go all mushy.”

In July 2017, Zissman wrote on Instagram: “Feeling sick in bed. Hate growing babies literally don’t enjoy anything about pregnancy.

“It goes on forever too, I mean feels like I’ve got ages. Shouldn’t moan I know but it’s no fun, thank God I adore giving birth.”

Loose Women’ is on ITV on weekdays from 12.30pm.
