A mum-to-be sparked an online debate after saying partners should not be allowed to stay on the maternity ward after the birth of their child.
Mumsnet user ‘Whatthefreakinwhatnow’ explained she had booked in for an elective caesarean for her breech baby, but wasn’t happy when she heard about the “support person” on her confirmation letter.
“At the back is a letter for my ‘support person”, with a list of dos and don’ts for their stay on the ward with me after my section,” she wrote.
“Sorry, WTF?! I love my partner dearly but not a chance do I want him or more importantly a load of other blokes on the ward.
“Am I the only person who thinks this is really bloody unreasonable?”

”What on earth is wrong with partners on the ward? It’s all very private,” one mother wrote.
“A lot of ladies after a c section can’t get up so they need support - the midwives are too busy so it’s great to have another helping hand.”
Another wrote: “I have severe anxiety and panic disorder and my partner was kicked out ten minutes after my son was born.
“I was an absolute wreck and he was devastated to be sent away from his newborn son and me. Why shouldn’t dads be able to be with their newborns?”
Others also mentioned that having their partners there after they gave birth was “hugely helpful” while they recovered and were in pain.
“Also my husband really wanted to be there,” one mum wrote. “After all it’s his newborn child too.”
Several mums agreed with the original poster and said they wouldn’t want to have men in the maternity ward while they were there.
“You are not being unreasonable,” one mother wrote.
“I got fed up of having to express milk in front of a lot of male visitors and it contributed to me giving up breastfeeding. I had no privacy at all.”
Another commented: “Yes I agree, I needed my husband to be rested so that he could help me when I got home.
“I found other people’s partners hugely intrusive whilst I was trying to sort myself out, get to and from the loo covered in blood, breastfeed etc.
“One of them snored, another shouted on his mobile all night. Completely unnecessary. Send them home at 10pm and let everyone get some peace.”
What do you think?