James O'Brien Laments His Own Radio Station After Nigel Farage Interview With Arron Banks

'New lows'.

Leave.EU co-founder Arron Banks has been given the opportunity to explain his links to the Kremlin in the wake of fresh revelations about his contact with Russian embassy officials - as a guest on the radio programme of Leave.EU’s biggest cheerleader.

Completing the line up for the grilling on the Nigel Farage Show was Andy Wigmore, Leave.EU’s director of communications, who has also been embroiled in the allegations. Both will appear before a parliamentary committee on Tuesday over the claims.

The exchanges included such rigorous interrogations as:

Farage: “Did Russian individuals or businesses give money to Leave.EU?”

Wigmore: ”No. Not one penny or rouble.”


Farage: “Were you ‘reporting back’ to the Russian Ambassador?

Banks: “Not really, we’d had a very pleasant lunch with him that lasted six hours.”

Banks (far-left), Farage and Wigmore (far-right) shortly after the EU referendum in 2016.
Banks (far-left), Farage and Wigmore (far-right) shortly after the EU referendum in 2016.
EMPICS Entertainment

James O’Brien, who also has a show on LBC, lashed out at media outlets, including his own radio station, describing coverage of the developments as “new lows”.

We specialise in new lows right now. But @LBC is far from alone. @BBCr4today felt that @carolecadwalla's stone cold journalism had to somehow be 'balanced' by Oakeshott's pathetic attempts at exculpation this morning. The commercial sector can almost justify this, the Beeb can't. https://t.co/lhJTI1xmt8

— James O'Brien (@mrjamesob) June 11, 2018

LBC giving Nigel Farage, Arron Banks and Andy Wigmore 25 minutes of totally unchallenged airtime to clear their own campaign of any wrongdoing on Brexit and Russia has to be a new low in British broadcasting.

— Adam Bienkov (@AdamBienkov) June 11, 2018

Meanwhile, it appears Banks has pulled out of a scheduled appearance on Newsnight where he may have faced less friendly interviewers.

Sadly Mr Banks has now pulled out of the #newsnight interview with me tonight. If you change your mind , @Arron_banks , we are still v happy to have you on. https://t.co/EU32Tooy33

— emily m (@maitlis) June 11, 2018

Calls have been intensifying for Banks to explain his links to the Kremlin after fresh revelations about his contact with Russian embassy officials emerged at the weekend.

Banks held a series of undisclosed meetings with Russian embassy officials around the time of the 2016 referendum campaign, according to reports in the Observer and Sunday Times (how the story broke is a sub-plot in itself).

The reports emails existed showing Banks discussed a potential business deal involving six Russian gold mines with ambassador Alexander Yakovenko after being introduced to him by a suspected Russian spy.

On Saturday, we exposed LeaveEU's covert relationship to Russia. Yesterday, @Nigel_Farage was too chickenshit to take my call and answer questions on his radio show. Today he invites in top Kremlin pals, @Arron_banks & @andywigmore. Britain: meet the men who gave us Brexit https://t.co/8LqZ6OSHmX

— Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) June 11, 2018

The head of the parliamentary inquiry into “fake news”, Conservative MP Damian Collins, said the report raised serious questions about Russian interference in UK politics.

“The question I think people will want answered is did Mr Banks profit out of these meetings?” he told BBC1′s Sunday Politics programme.

“Did that happen? Did he make money out of it and did he use that money to fund his campaigns?

“Russia has a track record of interfering in the politics of other countries. It does it in a variety of ways. That is why it is important we understand the level of contact and involvement there was here.”


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