Oxfam Report Reveals Richest 1% Took Quarter Of New UK Wealth Since 2000

Oxfam is calling on the government to clamp down on tax-dodging by the super-rich.

The richest 1% of the UK’s population has pocketed more than a quarter of the wealth created in Britain since 2000, it has been revealed.

Over the past 15 years, the total net wealth in real terms of people in the UK has increased from £6 trillion to more than £10 trillion in 2015.

And yet a report from Oxfam, published ahead of Wednesday’s Budget, showed that 26 pence in every pound of this increase in wealth went to the UK’s top 1% – approximately 600,000 people – while just seven pence went to the nation’s poorest 50%, around 30 million people.


The net result is that over the past 15 years, the richest 1% were able to increase their collective wealth by 79% to £2.4 trillion. The average wealth of each of this elite group was £3.7m in 2015, an increase of £1.5m each.

Meanwhile, the average wealth of someone in the bottom 10% was just £1,600 last year, making them only £500 wealthier than 15 years ago.

Oxfam pointed out that with £3.7 million, you could buy outright an eight-bedroom home with swimming pool in Wimbledon, south west London, while £1,600 wouldn’t even cover five days rent of the same property.

Many people expressed their outrage at the findings..

So the 1% of Britons are getting richer at everyone else's expense - most Tory MP's are in the 1% - yet, we're all in this together?

— Stella Ridgway (@starukkiwi) March 14, 2016

"We're all in this together... oh no not you peasants, I meant the 1% of Britons"

— Bryan McGuire (@Bryanx54) March 14, 2016

@WOWpetition That's what this government is about. Wealth for the 1% wealthy, cuts for the poor. #keeptheplebsintheirplace

— Beryl Kingston (@berylkingston) March 14, 2016

So when are we 99% going to rise up and drag them from their homes and reclaim wealth? #1% of Britons

— iainh (@iainh) March 14, 2016

Some were less sympathetic however…

People moan when they see '1% of Britons' getting richer. But many have made their money through hard work - the backbone of our country.

— Andy Parsons (@andypars) March 14, 2016

It's not irrational for the richest 1% of Britons are getting richer. The number one rule in economics is that money makes money.Accept it.

— carry-on-hollie (@HollieCardiff) March 14, 2016

Oxfam 'charity' shops make vast profits off the backs of UK poor for second hand items. 1% of Britons Pot calling kettle?

— Spiritual Quotes (@zentaoyoga) March 14, 2016

Oxfam is now calling on the government to crack down harder on tax-dodging by the super-rich.

Mark Goldring, the charity’s chief executive, said: “Currently, a privileged minority are able to hide billions offshore away from tax authorities, which unfairly increases the burden on the rest - especially people who are already struggling to get by.

“It’s time the Government ended the secrecy that allows tax dodgers to get away without paying their fair share, robbing the UK – and poor countries – of vital revenue that could help fund public services and provide a strong safety net for most vulnerable.

“It’s simply not right that a tiny group of individuals hoovers up so much of the UK’s growing prosperity while barely any trickles down to those who have least.

“We need action to ensure that a rise in wealth is more evenly shared in order to combat poverty and ensure everyone gets a fair share.”


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