Pope Francis' Hat Gets Stolen By A Child And He Reacts Brilliantly

That's one stealthy kid.

As Pope you have to deal with a variety of annoyances - have you seen the outfits the poor guy has to wear?

But it’s not often the leader of the global Catholic church actually gets the hat stolen off his head.

That’s exactly what one cheeky youngster just did.

Took my Goddaughter to meet the pope. She stole his hat! pic.twitter.com/SdSorop3uN

— Mountain Butorac (@MountainButorac) March 22, 2017

Catholic travel blogger Mountain Butorac tweeted the clip of the little girl’s bold actions.

He had taken his goddaughter Shirley to see the Pope in Rome when she went for it as she was held up so Francis could bless her with a kiss to the cheek.

But, like a pro thief, little Shirley reached up and grabbed his skull cap while he was distracted.

To be fair to His Holiness, he kept his sense of humour and laughed as adults around her scrabbled to return the hat.

Shirley, you’re going to go far kid (hopefully not into a life of crime though).


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