Sunak's Suggestion Of More Maths For Teens Just Doesn't Add Up For Twitter

"They’ll all be able to count how many hours people have to wait in A&E and just how underfunded the NHS is."
Rishi Sunak's first proposal of 2023 has gone down like a lead balloon
Rishi Sunak's first proposal of 2023 has gone down like a lead balloon
ALASTAIR GRANT via Getty Images

Rishi Sunak wants all students in England to study maths in some form until they reach 18 – and Twitter can’t help thinking he’s got his sums wrong.

After repeated queries about where he was amid the current crises – such as the rising cost of living, strikes across public sector industries, looming recession, inflation and a collapsing NHS – this is the prime minister’s first major statement for 2023.

Before the official speech, Sunak briefed journalists that he intends to make the UK “reimagine our approach to numeracy”, as “data is everywhere and statistics underpin every job”.

He is expected to say: “And letting our children out into the world without those skills is letting our children down.”

But, opposition parties have leapt into action to criticise the announcement.

The Liberal Democrats dubbed the proposal an “admission of failure from the prime minister” that children’s education was “neglected”. Labour’s shadow education secretary Bridget Phillipson also said it was just an “empty pledge” without the promise of more funding.

And, as many of his Twitter critics pointed out, Sunak’s statement overlooks the arguably more pressing issues facing the country right now – like the state of the health service.

So, obviously, snarky comments about the bleak numbers around the health service right now quickly flooded the platform.

If Rishi Sunak is so concerned about maths, he should do some basic arithmetic himself and work out that, under his Prime Ministership, the NHS cannot meet demand and large numbers of people are dying as a result.

— Matthew Stadlen (@MatthewStadlen) January 4, 2023

It will allow a new breed of young mathematicians to more accurately calculate Grandma's wait time at the local A&E.

— anthony vickers (@untypicalboro) January 4, 2023

What Rishi Sunak doesn’t realise is if all children have to learn maths till they’re 18, they’ll all be able to count how many hours people have to wait in A&E and just how underfunded the NHS is.

— Tiernan Douieb (@TiernanDouieb) January 4, 2023

The reason Rishi Sunak wants everybody to learn Maths up to age 18 is 'quite simple', says this caller.

'People will then be able to work out the percentage of deaths in the NHS system.'@NickFerrariLBC

— LBC (@LBC) January 4, 2023

There were tweets about the alleged cronyism in the government too...

If you are married to a friend of Rishi Sunak, how long do you have to wait before getting a job in the Number 10 press office? #ToryMathsQuestions

— Prof Paul Bernal (@PaulbernalUK) January 4, 2023

And, of course, questions about why he chose to promote this rather obscure idea right now...

So after two months of near silence, Rishi Sunak's big idea to turn things around is... more maths lessons after the next general election.

— Adam Bienkov (@AdamBienkov) January 4, 2023

“PM we need to address the cost of living crisis, stop ppl relying on food banks and put an end to strikes.”

Rishi: “extra algebra for teenagers. That’s what’s needed.”

He’s living on a different planet.

— Jay Motty (@JayMotty) January 4, 2023

Rishi Sunak’s proposal of maths until 18 is a dead cat. This is the real scandal. The Conservative government has broken our NHS. Don’t let them get away with it.

— Liz Jarvis (@LizJarvisUK) January 4, 2023

Rishi Sunak, the man who asked a homeless guy if he was in business, has a big idea to fix broken Britain.
It’s extra maths lessons for kids.

— Mark Cockerton (@CockertonMark) January 4, 2023

Rishi Sunak has succeeded in making everyone talk about... maths, rather than the appalling state of the NHS. I bet he's bashing his Casio in delight!

— Ed McConnell (@EdJMcConnell) January 4, 2023

It’s also an idea that his colleague, current levelling up secretary Michael Gove, previously proposed back in 2011 when he was in the education department.

Breaking your silence on the NHS crisis with a speech on maths(largely repeating what Michael Gove said in 2011 when Education Secretary and never happened) is a curious way for Rishi Sunak to show leadership.

— Kevin Maguire (@Kevin_Maguire) January 4, 2023

Rishi Sunak’s big new idea: all pupils to study maths to age of 18

And from 2011

‘Education Secretary Michael Gove says he would like to see vast majority of pupils in England studying maths to the age of 18’

-Desperate recycling

— Paul Johnson (@paul__johnson) January 4, 2023

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