Sunday Show Round Up: Irish Border Dispute And Justin Welby On Christian's Backing Trump

All you need to know from a busy Sunday in the world of politics

Key Points

The Andrew Marr Show

Andrew Marr typically gives a long, meandering introduction to the weather during his show, but it was a different type of forecast that was of interest today.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies’ Paul Johnson was on the show to remind us that no matter how depressing the recent growth forecasts are, in reality, it’s probably much worse than that. The Office of Budget Responsibility is usually over-optimistic in its projections, not pessimistic, he said.

"Huge range of uncertainty" - @PJTheEconomist says economic future after Brexit "could be worse than suggested" #marr

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) November 26, 2017

The latest incarnation of Barry Gardiner’s Brexit position was on the show. The Shadow International Development Secretary had previously said it would be a disaster to stay in the customs union after Brexit, and remaining in the Single Market would leave the UK a “vassal state”.

Speaking to Marr, he said Labour had not ruled staying in either “off the table”. He said Labour recognised the benefits of staying in “a customs union” with the EU.

.@BarryGardiner tells #marr options of single market and a customs union "not off the table"

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) November 26, 2017

Gardiner was also unable to say when the budget deficit would be paid off under a Labour government.

Ruth Davidson was sent out to bat for the Tories, and the Scottish Conservative leader did a good job of saying nothing of any real news value.

However, she did say that failing to secure the details of a post-Brexit transition phase as soon as possible would be “a set-back”.

If we don't move on to next phase in #Brexit talks we are "rapidly going to run out of time" - @RuthDavidsonMSP tells #Marr

— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) November 26, 2017

In a symbolic moment, Archbishop of York John Sentamu put his dog collar back on – ten years after cutting it up on Andrew Marr’s show in protest at Robert Mugabe’s rule in Zimbabwe.

.@JohnSentamu puts his dog collar back on, almost 10 years after he cut it up on #Marr, in protest at Robert Mugabe. #Zimbabwe

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) November 26, 2017

Sunday with Paterson

International Trade Secretary Liam Fox appeared down the line from New Zealand. He said it is in the EU’s interest as much as the UK’s to come to a Brexit deal.

The Government is "not afraid" of a no-deal #Brexit, says International Trade Minister @LiamFox #Paterson

— Sunday with Paterson (@RidgeOnSunday) November 26, 2017

On regulations, Fox said consumers “would not allow” the Government to relax standards and the UK’s trump card when it comes to trade is quality.

“We wouldn't want to see our standards reduced” - @LiamFox on post-Brexit trade and chlorinated chicken #Paterson

— Sunday with Paterson (@RidgeOnSunday) November 26, 2017

Fox also doubled down on the UK’s position on the Northern Ireland border. He said it was impossible to fully solve the Irish border issue until the nature of the trade deal between the UK and the EU was completed – something which won’t happen unless Ireland’s government give the go ahead in December (a full write-up is here).

International Trade Secretary Liam Fox tells Sky News the Government does not want a hard border with Ireland #Paterson

— Sunday with Paterson (@RidgeOnSunday) November 26, 2017

Lib Dem Leader Sir Vince Cable said it’s a “fair assessment” that Philip Hammond avoided “cock-ups” in his Budget.

How did Chancellor Philip Hammond do in the autumn budget? Lib Dem leader Sir @vincecable gives his take #Paterson

— Sunday with Paterson (@RidgeOnSunday) November 26, 2017

Sir Vince said there was a 20% chance Brexit won’t happen.

"There's a distinct possibility Brexit won't happen" - @vincecable explains his reasoning #Paterson

— Sunday with Paterson (@RidgeOnSunday) November 26, 2017

On his own party, Sir Vince there was “a fair degree of coalition nostalgia” in the country given the current flimsy state of government.

Why aren't the Liberal Democrats doing better? @skynewsniall asks the party leader Vince Cable #Paterson

— Sunday with Paterson (@RidgeOnSunday) November 26, 2017

Shadow Work & Pensions Secretary Debbie Abrahams said the delays to changes to Universal Credit would leave 59,000 people without “adequate support” over Christmas.

Proposed changes to Universal Credit "do not go far enough" says Shadow Work & Pensions Secretary @Debbie_abrahams #Paterson

— Sunday with Paterson (@RidgeOnSunday) November 26, 2017

Abrahams said an increase to the pension age to 68 in 2037 was “completely inappropriate” as life-expectancy rates have plateaued.

"It's completely inappropriate" for the Government to increase the state pension age - Labour's @Debbie_abrahams tells #Paterson

— Sunday with Paterson (@RidgeOnSunday) November 26, 2017

Peston on Sunday

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby told Robert Peston that Church-operated food banks are seeing in-work poverty first hand.

.@JustinWelby explains what the @c_of_e is seeing at food banks at the moment: ‘work is not lifting people out of poverty’ #Peston

— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) November 26, 2017

He said the Church needs to look at whether, as a huge landowner, it should be doing more to alleviating the housing crisis.

.@Peston asks Archbishop of Canterbury @JustinWelby whether the @c_of_e as a landowner should do more to ease the housing crisis. #Peston

— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) November 26, 2017

On the tone of the Brexit debate, the Archbishop hit out at headlines “which seem conditioned to stir up hatred” – citing the Telegraph’s “mutineers” front-page.

.@JustinWelby gives us his take on recent Brexit headlines #Peston

— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) November 26, 2017

The Archbishop said he didn’t understand why so many Christians back Donald Trump.

.@JustinWelby tells us what he thinks about Christian support for Donald Trump, but says he will meet him if a state visit happens. #Peston

— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) November 26, 2017

John McDonnell repeated Barry Gardiner’s comments on Marr that Single Market and customs union membership should be on the table in the Brexit talks. This is despite saying in June the people “would interpret membership of the single market as not respecting that referendum.”

Reacting to @LiamFox, @johnmcdonnellMP explains Labour's stance on the customs union and Irish border after Brexit. #Peston

— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) November 26, 2017

McDonnell had fun at Peston’s expense, quoting from the ITV Political Editor’s recent book as a reason to borrow more money to invest in infrastructure. There’s a full write-up here.

.@Peston pushes @johnmcdonnellMP on the additional cost of borrowing under @UKLabour's investment plans. #Peston

— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) November 26, 2017

Pienaar’s Politics

On Radio 5Live, Shadow Women and Equalities Minister Dawn Butler tore into Theresa May’s record on helping women.

Theresa May "is no friend of women," @DawnButlerBrent speaking to @JPonpolitics this morning #PienaarsPolitics

— BBC Radio 5 live (@bbc5live) November 26, 2017

Sunday Politics

Manchester Metro Mayor Andy Burnham criticised the Government for only committing £12 million to the costs of the Manchester terrorist attack, calling it “not satisfactory”. He said “we got our answer and it wasn’t good enough”.

He said he would be contacting the PM to say, “let’s sort this out properly”.

Burnham: “I’m afraid it’s not satisfactory, it falls some way short. I can’t see why the government isn’t meeting our costs in full. So, yeah, as I said at the beginning I would never make politics out of this issue, but we got our answer and it wasn’t good enough. I had to make our position very clear. I just will be replying to the prime minister saying let’s sort this out properly. Public services here shouldn’t be left out of pocket as a result of this, and I just hope we can now get a full agreement for all of our costs from the government.”

He also said the system for allocating transport spending “is biased against the North.”

"The country is London centric" @AndyBurnhamGM says "the system is biased against the North" #bbcsp

— BBC Daily Politics and Sunday Politics (@daily_politics) November 26, 2017

Former Conservative Party Chairman Grant Shapps said his “views haven’t changed” since he attempted to organise a leadership challenge to Theresa May last month.

After the Conservative conference, Shapps publicly expressed his hope that May would step down as party leader, and said a growing number of his colleagues realised the solution wasn’t to bury their heads in the sand and hope it got better.

Asked if he’d changed his mind and if things would get better, and he replied: “Well for a start I absolutely believe that colleagues should be both a) allowed to have views and b) to be able to express those views. And my views haven’t changed.

“However, I also accept the reality of the situation which is, you know, we’re in a very sensitive period here with these Brexit negotiations gone. Six weeks ago was six weeks ago.”

He said he thought and hoped there was “a new sort of attitude from the centre [of government] that says let’s work together, let’s not brief against the Chancellor and let’s not brief against others”.

He also praised Hammond’s Budget:

.@grantshapps says Philip Hammond was "upbeat" about economy in #Budget2017 "not words we're used to hearing" from the Chancellor #bbcsp

— BBC Daily Politics and Sunday Politics (@daily_politics) November 26, 2017

Former Northern Ireland Secretary – and Brexiteer – Owen Paterson, said it is “a myth” that anybody wants a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.

"Not a single person has ever said the border presents a problem" @OwenPaterson on his previous vists to Northern Ireland #bbcsp

— BBC Daily Politics and Sunday Politics (@daily_politics) November 26, 2017

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