A Toddler Dressed As A Sheep Stole Baby Jesus During A Nativity Play And We Can't Stop Laughing

The audience loved it, too. ๐Ÿ‘

A kidsโ€™ nativity play took a hilarious twist when a toddler dressed up as a sheep decided to rewrite the Christmas story by stealing baby Jesus.

While the choir were singing and the characters were sat in the stable around the manger, the sheep decided to stand up and grab the baby (doll).

Rather than run away, she stood at the front of the stage smiling at the audience while cradling baby Jesus.

It wasnโ€™t long before the girl dressed as Mary wrestled Jesus from the sheep and put him back in the crib. That was until the sheep grabbed him out again.

Thankfully, the audience at First Baptist Church of White Pine in Tennessee, US, found the whole thing hilarious.
