
Ben Shapiro led the right-ring attack by calling the movie a “flaming garbage heap” and then setting a trash can full of Barbie dolls on fire.
Everyone was a winner as ‘Barbenheimer’ weekend finally arrived.
The 2019 Islander makes a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it appearance in the film – and it’s all thanks to Margot Robbie
The casting team also had a very different actor in mind for Allan before Michael Cera landed the role.
The three-time Oscar nominee is set to make at least two movies based on C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles Of Narnia for Netflix.
"I communicated using Barbie without fully grasping why it was so unthinkable for boys to do so."
The breathlessly anticipated blockbuster has a lot going for it. But it also struggles to contend with audience and corporate expectations.
From a Spice Girls Halloween costume to her Love Island obsession – Margot is just like us really.
The Barbie star and producer questioned whether she was "overselling" the film at the time.
Not sure whether Christopher Nolan or Greta Gerwig's new films are for you? Well, we've got answers.