Democratic Party United States

While the next US presidential elections won’t be until November 2020, candidates looking to represent their party in the race have started announcing their intentions to run. With Trump as the incumbent leader of the Republican party, the race to represent the Democratic party will be more contested, and more interesting. With a large and diverse group of democrats coming forward, we look at some of their policies and issues they’re expected to run on.
There’s a chance the party could lose control of the state if three accused politicians are forced to resign.
Harris kicked off her campaign to become the next party presidential candidate, but there are a number of challenges she'll face
The result needs to be a wake-up call for the Democratic party as to who their supporters are. They must now follow the wave of change that these new representatives will be pushing for
It signals the beginning of meaningful checks and balances. Despite the ALLCAPS tweets, there is no credible way for Trump to spin the outcome of the elections as a win for him
The US midterm elections have left the Republicans with control of the Senate and the Democrats with a majority in the House of Representatives, so both can claim a victory. But President Donald Trump could face difficulties with his policies.
A final decision is expected Saturday afternoon.