domestic violence

I’ve survived death threats and domestic violence. But life in lockdown as an asylum seeker in Britain has me fearing for me and my baby than ever.
Campaigners warn abusive men are using the outbreak as an excuse for domestic violence as rate of suspected killings doubles.
ONS releases first in-depth statistics on those dying from coronavirus, as the number of NHS workers who have died is revealed. Here's the latest.
For those living in fear with their abusers, the coronavirus has compounded the time that they must spend together.
Police report a 21% fall in overall crime during but calls to domestic abuse helplines have surged.
Calls to the National Domestic Abuse Helpline have spiked since new measures to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic were introduced.
Some women — pregnant women, elderly women, victims of abuse — are lying at the intersection of Covid-19 and domestic violence risks, writes Sophie Wilkinson.
For the 1.6 million women who experience domestic violence every year in England and Wales, staying at home may put them in even greater danger, writes Mandu Reid.
Twenty charities are calling on Boris Johnson to include the domestic abuse commissioner in his top team as domestic abuse is behind a third of violent crime.