
"We begin to grieve in advance, bracing ourselves for the impending loss."
"I felt marooned on an island of grief shared by no one, clutching our joint history like a broken raft with no hope of being rescued."
"I needed to find a way to accept that I wasn’t a wife anymore ― even if I was still wearing my wedding ring and talking about my husband in the present tense."
"She seemed oblivious to my distress as she torqued her body toward the mirror to admire herself."
"When they die, it's like an extended member of our family dies."
"There were a few phrases that came up over and over again. ... Many just floated past me ... but others became lodged under my skin."
When my mum was diagnosed with cancer, my family were terrified to talk about or face the prospect of her dying – now I wish we'd done more.
An influencer's videos about her grandma choosing euthanasia has people debating assisted dying.
Here's how to deal with Father's Day if you're part of the "Sad, No Dad Club."
"I realised that finishing it was the best thing I could still give him."