
"There is your life before the death of your beloved spouse and your life after. The pain never fully goes away."
"My parents never understood my motives for admitting myself inpatient. However, from hundreds of miles away, Grandma Bevy repeated over the phone, 'I’m proud of you.'"
"The loss will be with your forever but your world will grow around that grief."
Days like Father's Day can make grieving even harder.
“She was too young to know when a stranger asks you how you are, you’re supposed to say, ‘I’m fine,’ and move on.”
"I hadn’t realised how much I’d longed to hear those words from my mother all my life."
"What do you do when the person who is your first call when anything happens is the one person you can’t call when the worst does?"
The nurse said that death doesn't have to be scary and, in fact, it can be 'fascinating'.
56% of people surveyed said gardening provides a sense of routine and purpose while grieving.