HuffPost NOW News

Donald Trump Jr. tried to drum up support for his father’s new social media platform but saw it backfire when he posted the initial message via Twitter.
Marc Short, Mike Pence’s former chief of staff, defended the ex-vice president and instead, called out Ex-President Donald Trump.
Thousands of truckers have brought Ottawa, the capital of Canada, to a freeze as they protest against COVID-19 vaccines at the borders.
Donald Trump’s longtime accounting firm, Mazars USA, has dropped the former president’s family business as a client.
Russell Crowe made one fan’s birthday a day she’ll never forget after he surprised her with a video message. Pip Hare is currently competing in a gruelling round-the-world yacht race and mentioned in a radio interview that she was a huge fan, prompting the presenter to tweet the Hollywood star.
When peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters were gassed and sprayed with rubber bullets to clear the way for a President Trump photo opportunity, Continue To Serve was created in response. Since then, the non-profit group of military veterans have mobilised at polling stations, cleaned up after the deadly insurrection of the US Capitol carried out by pro-Trump supporters and supported the Black Live Matter movement.
From the loss of a family member to a breakup, many of us have experienced some level of trauma. Clinical psychologist Jennifer Sweeton explains how traumatic events affect your mind and brain. Sweeton also highlights that trauma does not mean you are damaged forever and there are ways you can overcome.
It’s been a quiet year. Not much happened really. The sh*tshow that was 2020 in 220 seconds.
Nigerian LGBQT activists Freddie Jacob, Matthew Blaise and Victor Emmanuel joined the End Sars marches only to find fellow protesters turned on them. The activists who marched with the hashtag ‘Queer Lives Matter’ say that the fight for oppression should include Nigeria’s LGBT community too.
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Vice President Mike Pence went back and forth about the coronavirus pandemic, racism, climate change and more on the vice presidential debate stage.