
Within minutes of the deadly explosion, old footage, fake accounts and misleading political posturing flooded the web.
The forms are reportedly being handed out by anti-vaxxers outside schools – here's why they're wrong.
These health care workers and scientists are using the platform to explain the coronavirus and the vaccines in clear and concise ways.
As the COVID-19 vaccine is mobilised in the UK Dr. Kevin Fenton from Public Health England is ensuring that accurate vaccine information is mobilized alongside it. Dr. Fenton is ensuring there is not a generalised approach, instead paying particular attention to how individual communities approach the vaccines.
Specialist agency MMC has been contacting communities to tackle misinformation and coronavirus vaccine hesitancy.
While we may welcome social media companies action on Trump, it’s crucial that we ask why big tech didn't act sooner, writes Seyi Akiwowo.
Murdoch claims he's encouraging people to get the jab, but his Fox News hosts in the US are pushing anti-vaccine talking points on air.
The former president discusses racism, misinformation and Donald Trump in the new interview.
The social media giant has a specific policy for world leaders – an exclusive group Trump may soon no longer be a part of.