the case i can't forget

It all happened so fast that I didn’t even realise I had been hit. I just found myself on the floor, confused, with a throbbing head.
Until this case, I had always somehow managed to compartmentalise my personal feelings about my clients' offending behaviour. I had never looked at somebody like I looked at Mark Bridger and felt so utterly repelled.
Catherine was 19 and, usually, the life and soul of our classroom. But as she prepared for her imminent release, she also prepared to return to the abuse and homelessness that prison had sheltered her from.
There are some patients that we can’t help but carry along with us.
In my work as a teacher, I have begun to see the death of young men in London as an occupational hazard. It’s on the news weekly. How has this become normal?
Emma’s experience shines a light on the punitive way we often treat people who use substances to cope with emotional pain.
To this day, nearly a quarter of a century later, I think about Baby M's family every Christmas. Some jobs change you forever.
Elsa only ever misses one day of school each year, and that is Red Nose Day. It isn’t the £1 you have to donate, it’s because no uniform is worn.
During a rare moment of downtime, I start to catch up on my 23 crime reports. But being a detective is being constantly thwarted: 10 minutes later I'm in an unmarked car on a jammed London road. This is not a blue lights call.
Harris was a 14-year-old who had been expelled from mainstream education. It took months of hard work and dedication and consistency to gain his trust – and just seconds to lose it.