
The prime minister began a speech to his party by making jibes about "people who are assigned male or female at birth".
"I have never lived my truth and I'm not sure how. Perhaps it starts with telling everyone."
"For many of us, leaving lockdown means facing the racism, sexism, transphobia and ableism we had found some degree of safety from in our homes."
The Hollywood star says she is a “grateful student” and hopes her daughter’s story will help others.
A guide to talking about pronouns in the workplace, and helping trans and nonbinary co-workers feel accepted and respected.
Viva la vulva, as 10 people cast their bits in plaster to show its diverse beauty.
The actor said he's spoken out about his "life changing" top surgery because there is "such an attack on trans health care right now."
The actor, who came out as trans last year, urged his fans to voice their opposition.
Housing support services are failing young queer people, according to a damning report.