uk feminism

It's game, set and match as the titles are resigned to history 🎾
Because even enlightenment isn't a barrier to everyday sexism 🤔
Ex-Brexit secretary once said feminists are “obnoxious bigots”.
From slogan tees to tote bags, here's what campaigners think about pro-choice fashion.
Because Baby Sussex is sure to be brought up a feminist.
While Corbyn-led Labour has been more vocal than any previous party leadership about tackling racism, the widespread failure to embrace women's issues continues to plague and undermine left-wing groups
Writer Reni Eddo-Lodge tells the story of her first steps into feminism and explains what compelled her to write the blog post that lead to her big break – and a book deal...
I can no longer let people casually refer to themselves as feminists, while supporting a government that is doing nothing to protect the most vulnerable women in society