Jacob Rees-Mogg Has A Plan For A Tory Election Victory – But Not Even Tory HQ Likes It

"Just how desperate have they got to be?"
Nigel Farage, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Boris Johnson
Nigel Farage, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Boris Johnson
Getty/GB News

Jacob Rees-Mogg has a new plan to make sure the Conservatives win the next general election – but it’s not exactly popular.

Speaking on his GB News show last night, the former cabinet minister and current backbencher announced his plan to “reunite the right” with a “big, open, comprehensive offer to those in Reform”.

Yes, that’s Reform UK, a party originally set up by famous Brexit campaigner and ex-UKIP leader Nigel Farage, now run by Richard Tice and Ben Habib.

Reform currently has just one MP, Lee Anderson, who defected from the Tories earlier this year shortly after resigning as the Conservative Party deputy chair.

It’s thought Reform could end up splitting the right-wing vote when the public next hit the ballot box.

So, Rees-Mogg suggested bringing famous right-wing figures back into the Conservative fold.

He said: “With the help of Nigel Farage in a Conservative government, with Boris Johnson probably returning as foreign secretary, as well [as] welcoming the likes of Ben Habib and Richard Tice into the Conservative Party.”

His nod to the former prime minister is no surprise, considering he served in his government.

The MP also claimed in his “Moggologue” that a truly Conservative government would then be able to look at “slashing migration”, “rolling back the disastrous green agenda” and “abolishing the Equality Act”.

He even suggested that if Farage rejoined Reform, the party would shoot up to 16% in the polls, just 5% behind the Tories – so merging the two parties together would take the Conservatives up to Labour’s current polling at just over 40 percentage points.

He said it is by doing so, “winning the next election is well within reach”.

However, the Conservative Campaign Headquarters told POLITICO’s Playbook they were “unequivocally” ruling out this idea.

Meanwhile, the Liberal Democrats called for the Tories to suspend the whip.

The party’s deputy leader, Daisy Cooper, said the Conservatives are “a shambolic mess” with MPs in “open revolt” against Sunak.

“If the Prime Minister had any bottle he would suspend the whip from Rees-Mogg and rule out Nigel Farage being allowed into the Conservative Party,” she said, and called for a general election.

'With the help of Nigel Farage in a Conservative government, with Boris Johnson probably returning as Foreign Secretary as well welcoming the likes of Ben Habib and Richard Tice into the Conservative Party... winning the next election is well within reach.'@Jacob_Rees_Mogg pic.twitter.com/7rqFORdEnT

— GB News (@GBNEWS) May 14, 2024

There is no denying that the Conservatives’ electoral chances are currently in dire straits – polling gurus predict there is a 95-99% of a Labour victory – but people could not help but laugh at this idea...

Is Jacob Rees-Mogg still a Tory MP?... https://t.co/7G542OA8mF

— Josiah Mortimer (@josiahmortimer) May 14, 2024

Just how desperate have they got to be? https://t.co/eiJUsiRNrS

— Peter Scott (@PeterScott2) May 15, 2024

It defies belief that JRM thinks this is a good idea. Boris was a lousy Foreign Secretary and a worse PM. Farage will alienate as many voters as he'll win over. Very few people know or care who Ben Habib and Richard Tice are. https://t.co/LFhukJCI4a

— James Gillespie 𝕏 (@JamesGillespieX) May 15, 2024

Your worst nightmare...
....just got even worse. https://t.co/LWKDXZzebR

— Chris Curtis (@chriscurtis94) May 14, 2024

Is that the @Conservatives only hope 🤷 https://t.co/4YUrdiQZlj

— Tony Bilbie (@bilbowalt) May 14, 2024

The Conservative Party is going to be a bloodbath after the next election and I can’t wait to sit back and watch it. https://t.co/5NkGObdCID

— Damon Evans (@damocrat) May 14, 2024

“End of days,” is how one Tory grandee described the mood in the party atm https://t.co/DGH2VC9eDR

— George Parker (@GeorgeWParker) May 14, 2024

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