uk sexism

Pregnant Then Screwed argued the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme meant less support for women who had recently had children.
Yoshiro Mori has created a storm in Japan where women are grossly under-represented in politics and in boardrooms.
Critics said the ad was “heteronormative” and “reinforces the view that it is a woman’s job to homeschool”.
From start to finish, one of the defining themes of Donald Trump's presidency was his profound anxiety about masculinity.
The EHRC found no unlawful acts of pay discrimination. It did not investigate the Samira Ahmed case.
Anne Ruston went on to praise Scott Morrison for his support – when she was finally able to get a word in.
For all the strides we've made for equality, our working system still undervalues women who suffer with their menstrual cycle, writes Claire Maxwell.
Four years ago, the "Access Hollywood" tape threatened Donald Trump's political career. Then he won anyway.
"You would never tell Travis Scott or Adam Levine that he couldn’t turn the beauty light off," the singer said.
No man has even been asked to explain why he should get to keep his surname.