US Elections 2020

US president-elect calls for "this grim era of demonisation in America begin to end".
When Trump said his lawyers would be speaking at the Four Seasons, he didn't mean THAT Four Seasons.
Boris Johnson wants a trade deal with United States – but the incoming administration is not so keen on Brexit.
The 44th president's statement concluded with a sweeping call to action: "Our democracy needs all of us more than ever."
Lord Simon Woolley, founder of Operation Black Vote, told HuffPost UK: “Black people around the world will sleep easier tonight."
New York erupts in celebration as Democrat wins presidency, booting Donald Trump out of the White House.
The Brexit Party leader was "absolutely optimistic". But he was absolutely wrong.
The president was at his Virginia golf course when the race was called.
He may be a lame duck, but he will have the immense powers of a president and commander in chief – and nothing to lose.