Brie Larson

Like Ghostbusters and Star Wars before it, the usual band of idiots are coming out of the woodwork to sabotage a film about a powerful woman
The cast of Captain Marvel rocked the red carpet for the film's premiere in London. Brie Larson and co-star Lashana Lynch praised the movie's "positive representation". It's the first instalment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to be female-led and to have a female co-director.
Superhero film "Captain Marvel" is still two weeks from being released, but its interest rating on website Rotten Tomatoes has been dropping. Men angry at comments made by the film's lead Brie Larson have been taking to the popular film review site to express their anger. The backlash was sparked when Larson told Marie Claire magazine that she wanted to make her "press days were more inclusive".
The latest in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the second trailer for the upcoming "Captain Marvel" starring Brie Larson. The story follows her as she becomes one of the universe's most powerful heroes when Earth is caught in the middle of a galactic war between two alien races.  The movie is the first female-led and female co-directed addition to the MCU.
The trailer for Marvel’s next big superhero movie is out, featuring Brie Larson as Captain Marvel. While this is their first female-led film, Marvel has already got some great female characters in the universe.
Featuring nostalgia, A-list stars and a smack in the face for one unlucky old woman.
'Am I saying I hate white dudes? No, I am not.'
'I've said all I need to say on that topic.'