nick robinson

The foreign secretary had previously accused Liz Truss' critics of not listening to what she planned to do.
The former Rishi Sunak supporter had criticised Liz Truss's economic plans during the Tory leadership contest.
The foreign secretary has no public engagements that would have stopped her facing the BBC broadcaster.
The Tory leadership favourite says she no longer has time to be grilled by the BBC journalist.
A source in Rishi Sunak's campaign said Tory leadership candidates shouldn't "shy away from difficult things".
The BBC journalist makes a quip to the Tory leadership contender about who's been in charge since 2010.
Tory leadership hopeful Liz Truss has ruled out "handouts" despite the looming economic crisis.
Downing Street suggested it had not ruled out introducing a criminal offence of street harassment.
He asked George Eustice: “You are a farmer...have you ever stumbled across porn when looking for a tractor?”