Self care

Every activity and task consumes energy, but there are some little, unexpected things that drain your energy, too.
It's not selfish to put your own needs above a loved one. Here's what to tell yourself if you feel bad about it.
While you've been busy shopping, we've found your favourite tipples and sweet treats on discount.
Here's what you're really paying for when you splurge on scented candles – and five of our all-time faves.
You might be getting a “runner’s high” from these daily activities and not even realise it.
Travel experts share their top tips for making those hours on the plane less miserable.
Mental health experts break down the pressures of hobbies and side hustles – and suggest an alternative.
You're not alone if you don't welcome the return of pumpkin spice and autumn leaves. Here's why the season change affects your mental health.