Technology and Electronics

It comes after the NHSX coronavirus app was trialled on the Isle of Wight.
Downing Street says it will be available "in the coming weeks", having originally being slated for a mid-May rollout by health secretary Matt Hancock.
Recruitment company tells job applicants government is considering an "alternative" app, but later says this was a "miscommunication and false".
PM plans to hand Chinese firm key role in building UK network.
Shadow, a Democratic tech firm, created the app that was supposed to deliver quicker caucus results.
National Security Council decision expected to spark White House backlash.
PM says British public “deserve” the best tech in the world.
In a hyper-connected world, being unable to access technology means poverty is more able to tighten its grip on your life, Garry Lemon, director of policy and research at the Trussell Trust, writes.
The ever-improving technology of deepfakes poses an interesting future, as facial duplication and simulated audio has moved from hobbyists on parts of the internet, to being readily available in apps on your phone.
Wedding days are always memorable, but now, more than ever, technology is spreading those memories far and wide.