Withdrawal from the European Union

Theresa May urged to rule out leaving the EU without an agreement.
An extension to Article 50 appears "inevitable," Keir Starmer said.
Frank admission as No10 says no ‘intention’ to extend Brussels talks.
A no-deal Brexit, economic chaos, and medicine and food shortages, are looming – I'm presenting a Bill today to ensure we avoid a catastrophe
Brexiteers such as Jacob Rees-Mogg aren’t really attempting to depose a weak and ineffective PM. No, what they’re really trying to do is subvert the will of Parliament
Tory MP Nicky Morgan has called opposition parties to join a government of national unity.
The European Court of Justice has ruled that that member states can withdraw unilaterally from leaving the EU while they are still in the negotiating period. This confirms that the UK can revoke its Article 50 notice without having to consult the rest of the EU.
The five things you need to know about politics today
But chancellor would feel 'differently' about a no-deal exit.