Sarah Palin Responds To Piers Morgan With A Picture Of A Freshly Killed Bear On Facebook (PICTURE)

Sarah Palin Responds To Piers Morgan With A Picture Of A Freshly Killed Bear (PICTURE)

Sarah Palin, erstwhile vice presidential nominee and subsequent darling of the Tea Party, has responded to a request to appear on Piers Morgan's CCN show via Facebook (how else?).

The post reads:

Oh dear Piers, thank you so much for all your invitations to appear on your shambolic show, including the adoring message you sent. But is it still any wonder why I've politely responded that I'm too busy doing, um, er... pretty much anything to accept the invite? (At least I didn't tell you to "get stuffed".) And to all our British friends: we ask, what did your friends across the pond ever do to you to deserve your Piers?

Alongside the update is a picture of a freshly maimed bear and a rifle, a not so subtle jab at the Briton’s long campaign for greater gun safety in the US.

Palin includes in her post a link to an article on that highlights a spoof story Morgan tweeted about Palin in which the former Alaskan governor claimed that Jesus celebrated Easter.

Morgan quickly responded thus:


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