'Celebrity Big Brother': Paul Daniels And Debbie McGee Plan To Sex Up The 'CBB' House When New Series Starts

Paul And Debbie Want To Sex Up The 'CBB' House (Yes, Really...)

Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee have revealed they plan to give ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ viewers a visual treat, by suggesting they would have sex in the ‘CBB’ house.

Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee

The married pair have hinted that Paul won’t be letting his advancing years stop him from showing Debbie a “magic” time in the ‘CBB’ bedroom, after she told The Sun: “I couldn’t possibly reveal what we’ve got planned for the Big Brother bedroom - that would spoil the surprise.

“All I will say is that we’re still very much in love.”

The most recent series of ‘CBB’ proved to be the raciest ever, with Lee Ryan and Jasmine Waltz disappearing into the bathroom together for some mystery fan, which was described by Jim Davidson as “sounding like he was whisking an omelette”.

Meanwhile, Kimberly and Steven made headlines on the current series of ‘Big Brother’ after they were seen having full sex in the house on several occasions - including one bone-chilling moment when he was heard whispering “open it” in the throes of passion - with the rest of the housemates sleeping in their beds around them.

Paul and Debbie have also revealed their ‘CBB’ survival tactics, with the TV magician claiming he is at an advantage having his wife with him in the house.

It’s not yet been confirmed which stars will be arriving in the Borehamwood bungalow when ‘CBB’ returns on Monday night, Kelly Brook’s muscleman fiancé David McIntosh, ‘Benefits Street’ resident White Dee and former ‘TOWIEcast member Lauren Goodger are all among the rumoured contestants.


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