Scottish Independence: George Galloway Compares Britain's Political Class To Hitler

Galloway Says Party Leaders Are Worse Than Hitler As Scottish Break Up Looms

Britain’s political class may soon achieve what Hitler failed to do, controversial MP George Galloway has said, by destroying Britain in the case of a 'Yes' vote on Thursday.

As the debate over the fast-approaching Scottish referendum reaches fever pitch, the Respect MP, who is supporting the Better Together pro-unionist campaign, has said the three main leaders have left Scots disillusioned by politics.

"Lord Snooty, aka David Cameron, could be the Prime Minister who presides over the death of Great Britain," he said.

Writing for The Independent, Galloway - who was born and raised in Scotland - said that even though the polls still show a lead for the No camp, it is getting "uncomfortably close."

"It’s not just the punter who wagered £800,000 on the preservation of the Union entering squeaky bum time," he states.

If the Yes camp triumphs, Galloway warned, the next 18 months will be a nightmare as "the divorcing couple squabble over the national CDs, DVDS, house, dog and car."

But if No succeed, it will be "despite the mainstream parties rather than because of them," he said.

While David Cameron may lose his premiership over the loss of Scotland, Ed Miliband, even if elected, could have office torn from him within 12 months, Galloway said. Nick Clegg, meanwhile, has "never seemed more irrelevant."

Describing Scotland as England's "colonial partner in crime," Galloway told the Independent that out of the three major political leaders "all are held in derision, even contempt."

In a fierce attack against the party he was once expelled from, Galloway said "Scotland has decisively fallen out of love with New Labour."

Galloway's tirade against the pro-unionist political class comes after he denied calling the Scottish Nationalists "Nazis" in a BBC debate screened earlier this week."

A spokesman for the Respect MP, who is supporting the Better Together pro-unionist campaign, told the Huffington Post UK: "It certainly was never said. That was the full programme."

The BBC said that it did not edit the debate "in any way", with a spokesman adding: "What the public saw air was what happened."

After Galloway's appearance on the BBC's "Big Big Debate" about next week's referendum on Scottish independence debate, pro-independence campaigners took to Twitter to accuse the broadcaster of "covering up" Galloway "slurring all Yes supporters as Nazis".

Galloway was booed and jeered on the programme as he cited Britain's struggle against the Nazis to argue in favour of the United Kingdom.

"United, we stood alone against Hitler, fascism," he told the audience of young people in Glasgow. "You can jeer but ask your grandparents how important it was that as a united people we stood alone otherwise we'd be having this conversation in German."

He also branded the pro-independence argument "moonshine" and "fantasy economics", arguing that Scotland's oil reserves were far more limited than believed.

"I'll be dead and gone by the time [the oil] runs out. All of you will stil be alive and all the oil will be gone," he said.

Meanwhile, both sides of the Scottish independence debate will make their latest push for votes today as the final weekend of campaigning gets under way.

Yes Scotland is promising what it called the biggest day of national campaigning ever seen in the country, with some 2.6 million leaflets being delivered to households in the space of just 48 hours.

The weekend push for support at the ballot box comes after a leading bank warned that the financial and economic arguments against independence are "overwhelming" and compared a Yes vote to the mistakes which led to the Great Depression.

The chief economist at Deutsche Bank, David Folkerts-Landau, said voters and politicians had failed to grasp the potential severity of the negative consequences of independence.

The Scottish Government accused him of failing to take into account Scotland's ''strong fiscal position'', and said it would start life as an independent nation ''from stronger economic foundations than any other nation in history''.

Today, the Deputy First Minister urged people to "believe in themselves and in Scotland" by voting Yes and not letting what she termed the opportunity of a lifetime pass them by.

Nicola Sturgeon, who will be in Glasgow, said David Cameron's "Number 10-inspired scare stories are being knocked down one by one - people simply do not believe them."

Ms Sturgeon said Scotland is one of the world's richest countries, being wealthier per head of population than the UK, France and Japan.

"The great opportunity of independence is that we'll be able to design an economic policy tailored to our needs so that Scotland's wealth works for the many and not just the few," she said.

"More and more people are waking up to the opportunities of Yes which is why momentum is with this campaign."


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