This Couple Lost More Than 10 Stone After Being Stunned By Christening Pictures

Couple Loses 10 Stone To Be Able To Play With Their Kids

An overweight couple were so shocked after seeing pictures of themselves at their daughters' christening they shed ten stone between them.

Gemma Lakey and Gary Phizacklea were stunned into action by the pictures taken at the event for their now two-year-old daughter, Isabelle Sykes.

The couple, of Tyne Dock, South Shields, hit the gym and a diet and shed more than 10 stone.

Gemma has dropped from 14st 11.5lbs to 9st 6lbs and Gary, also 24, a bartender, has gone from 18st 4lbs to 12st 11lbs.

Gemma, 24, said: "We didn't realise how big we were until we saw those pictures. We just looked massive.

"It was quite upsetting and we started discussing then what we could do to lose weight. We talked about doing various diets, but we didn't want to only have one meal a day."

The couple, who also have a son Riley Sykes, four, joined Slimming World in January.

Gemma said: "We now enjoy sitting down together at the table for meals, and we can run around and play with the kids more.

"Riley loves football and used to want to play in the park all the time, but I felt too self-conscious and I just couldn't do it, but now I can."

