Kim Jong Un Surrounded By Crying North Korean Women Is An Incredible Sight

All The Ladies Love Kim Jong Un

No stranger to screaming fans, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is pictured here flanked by the crying wives of the state's highly ranked servicemen.

The photo was released by the state-run Korea Central News Agency, following a celebration of the country's "exemplary" level officers.

Kim is considered a God-like figure in North Korea, so he is often seen with citizens who can't contain their emotions.

The despot was attending The Second Meeting of KPA Exemplary Servicemen's Families, which is believed to have taken place recently.

The event comes as Kim's government is accused of hacking Sony Pictures over controversial film The Interview.

While the regime denies any involvement, an unidentified spokesperson said the act "might be a righteous deed of the supporters and sympathizers" of the state's struggle against US imperialism.

North Korea has built a cult of personality around the Kim family, which has ruled for three generations, and sees any outside criticism or mockery of its leader as an attack on its sovereignty. It recently opened fire on anti-Pyongyang propaganda balloons that North Korean defectors in the South were floating across the border into the North.


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