30,000 More Youths Out Of Work: The Stat You May Not Have Noticed In Today's Unemployment Figures

The Alarming Statistics You May Not Have Noticed In Today's Unemployment Figures
Embargoed to 0001 Wednesday October 29 File photo dated 19/03/09 of a Job Centre Plus branch, as more than two million young people will be jobless or underemployed by 2018 unless radical changes are made to "rescue" them from long-term unemployment, according to a new report.
Embargoed to 0001 Wednesday October 29 File photo dated 19/03/09 of a Job Centre Plus branch, as more than two million young people will be jobless or underemployed by 2018 unless radical changes are made to "rescue" them from long-term unemployment, according to a new report.
Gareth Fuller/PA Wire

The Tories were hailing a small victory after Wednesday's unemployment figures revealed the lowest levels in six years - but the statistics reveal a very different story for Britain's youths.

Despite the apparent success in decreasing joblessness, the number of unemployed 16 to 24 year olds shot up by 30,000 in September to November 2014, compared to the number of out of work youths in the June to August period of the same year, according to the Office for National Statistics.

The number of youths in employment fell dramatically by 84,000, with those classed as economically inactive - neither in work nor seeking employment - rose by 39,000.

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For the three-month autumn period, the unemployment rate for youths was 16.9%, compared to the summer's 16%. Although this figure was lower than the same timeframe in 2013 (20.1%), it was higher than the pre-downturn trough for December 2007 to February 2008.

Commenting on the overall figures, David Cameron said: "The drop in unemployment is welcome news. Behind the statistics are stories of people finding self-respect and purpose in life."

The Department of Work and Pensions has been contacted for further comment around the youth figures but has yet to respond.


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