General Election Result Front Pages Follow David Cameron's Return To Government

The Question Mark That Made All The Difference In Today's Front Pages

As the nation woke to find David Cameron will remain as Prime Minister, many people no doubt expected to see similarly over-the-top front pages to the ones seen earlier this week.

But it was a mixed bag of humble pie and cock-a-hoop from the UK’s print media this morning following yesterday's General Election vote.

The most striking front page was undoubtedly the Daily Mirror, which yesterday promised David Cameron the use of the ‘Mirror Removals’ service to “send him packing”.

Claiming to be “specialists in getting people out QUICKLY”, “fully-insured for broken promises” and “experts in moving goalposts”, they seemed confident of a Labour victory.

But now that it looks like Cameron will be staying firmly in No 10, the Mirror has lead with a bleakly plain front page.

As the results began to appear through the night, its first splash featured the words “Five more damned years?”. As the results became clearer though, the question mark was removed for later editions.

The page seemed to strike a chord with many on Twitter.

Phil Maylor tweeted: “Front page of the Daily Mirror sums up my thoughts perfectly.”

User @BigBigBen said: “Love the Daily Mirror front page. All toys are out of the pram.”

User @Trishie_D posted: “The Mirror’s front page says it all.”

Hannah Supple-Turnha added: “I don't really like the Mirror but, best front page yet?…”

User @thisisajess said: “I’m feeling the daily mirror front page on a spiritual level.”

At the other end of the scale, the Daily Mail got firmly stuck into gloating.

While their initial front page was the more cautious headline, “Cameron ‘heading back to Number 10’”, by the time 2am rolled around, they went far stronger: “Hallelujah! Britain votes for sanity”.

They also laid into poor old Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg with smaller headlines claiming: “Disaster for Red Ed with ‘worst result for 30 years” and “Clegg is humbled - SNP sweep the board”.

Many laid into the front page on Twitter.

Jonny F tweeted: “"Hallelujah Britain votes for sanity" says the front page of the daily mail. Tells you everything you need to know #selfishsociety.”

Helen Gracie said: “Just seen the Daily Mail front page. Thats right, we have been outvoted by Daily Mail readers. Fuck.”

User @rosieelysia simply tweeted “the front page on the daily mail”, followed by the emoji of someone sick.

The Times took things a little more gently, starting with “Tories out in front” followed by “Pointing to victory”.

The Telegraph was also relatively restrained, with the front page headline “Cameron on court to remain Prime Minister”

The Sun, who yesterday urged its readers to vote Tory to prevent Labour “ballsing up Britain” was also triumphant with its “Bluedini” front page.

The Daily Express, the only newspaper to back Ukip, seemed keen to gloss over the anti-EU party’s failure.

Its front page demanded: “Now give us a vote on EU”.

Others focused on the shock of the increase in the Tory majority.

The Guardian went with “Poll shocker for Labour” followed by the later “Cameron stuns Labour”, while the Independent chose “Shock exit poll points to Conservative victory”.

However the Indy then went on to update their second edition to reference the SNP landslide with a full page picture of Cameron with the caption “Cameron rules divided kingdom”.


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