'Star Wars: Force Awakens' George Osborne Credit Inspires Mock Outrage Online

George Osborne Credited With 'Special Thanks' In 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'

Chancellor George Osborne has been awarded 'special thanks' in the credits for 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'.

Pictures have emerged of the final title sequence which mentions Osborne alongside Culture and Digital Economy Minister Ed Vaizey.

The pair were given a mention by the film's producers as a result of their role in changing UK tax incentives awarded to big blockbuster productions. Films in the 'Star Wars' franchise have always been filmed at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire.

George Osborne is listed alongside the Culture Secretary

Meanwhile 'Force Awakens' is expected to become the biggest grossing film of the year, and potentially of all time, after its release on Wednesday.

Osborne described its release as "a huge day for the British film industry" in an interview, above.

"We fought very hard as a government to get 'Star Wars' made in Britain," he said.

People have reacted predictably to Osborne's mention.

On Wednesday, George Osborne was apparently booed at the London premiere of the movie.

The Chancellor and David Cameron were both present at the event in Leicester Square as director JJ Abrams and many of the cast attended the British opening.

Mr Abrams welcomed the Prime Minister, who was politely applauded, but Mr Osborne came under fire when he was praised by the movie director - for helping secure the Lucasfilm production to the UK.


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