Mail Online Readers Angry At 'Ridiculous' Claire Cisotti House Moving Article Following Storm Flood Chaos

Even Mail Online Readers Think This Story Is 'Utterly Absurd'

A Mail Online story of a "devastated" woman who has to move from the country to London for work has been slammed by its readers for being "utterly absurd" and "ridiculous".

The Daily Mail's online publication led with the story on Thursday morning - a decision which angered many people, especially as hundreds have had to flee their homes due to severe flooding this month.

The Mail Online led with Claire Cisotti's "heartbreaking" story

The article is written by Claire Cisotti, who, according to her Twitter bio, works at the Daily Mail.

The 49-year-old, who lives in Manning's Heath near Horsham and commutes to London for work every day, said the travelling has taken a toll on her health, with her doctor advising her to either move closer to work, or quit.

The mother-of-two said that her children both attend independent schools and so family finances would not allow her to stop working.

She said: "There was only one thing for it: we'd have to become city dwellers again. So we are selling our cottage - with all its happy memories - and moving back to London for the sake of my health.

"A fissure in my heart began to open when I knew I had to leave Quarries Cottage, and now I feel broken. Because this is our family home and the life we know now can never be replicated.

"When I look at the children's heights, etched over a decade onto the kitchen door jam, I imagine another owner painting over them, eradicating the numbers - meaningless to them - that chart our children's growth."

The article has caused a fierce backlash among the Mail's own readers, with many lambasting the story for being "ridiculous", considering the havoc that has been wrought by Storm Desmond and Storm Frank in parts of the country.

And people were also quick to criticise Cisotti on social media.

Severe flooding across Britain and Ireland over the Christmas period meant that hundreds of people had to be evacuated from their homes.

The army was drafted in to some of the areas most severely hit in a bid to secure flood defences.

On Wednesday, 12 people had to be rescued after a bus became trapped in flood water.


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