Interval Training: The Benefits And How To Do It Properly

'Word has got out that this type of training is necessary to get quicker.'

If you’ve ever had a training plan for a long-distance run, you’ll know that interval training is an integral part of improving your performance.

We’ve all heard of high intensity interval training (HIIT), but the beauty of plain old interval training (IT) is that you get low intensity and/or recovery periods.

And it’s nothing new. IT has been been used by athletes for decades, helping them train for a longer amount of time and work at a higher intensity than they would usually be able to sustain in one bout.

So why is it so beneficial and should we be including it in our own workout schedules?

We put the questions to two experts: Anthony Mayatt, personal trainer and owner of Breathe Fitness and Professor Ken Fox, who is researching physical activity and health at the University of Bristol.

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