Don't Worry If You Don't Have A Christmas Tree: Just Make Like These Beauty Gurus And Decorate Your Eyebrows

Yup. Another eyebrow trend.

We may have spoken too soon when declaring 2017′s weirdest beauty trends, as this new eyebrow style definitely merits a mention. 

Although some may be grateful for the opportunity to have something else to make festive, the decking-of-eyebrows is perhaps an acquired taste. 

Regardless, props to these ladies for getting creative with a beauty trend - and doing it with good cheer.

The method involves using gel to separate out the eyebrows and make them into peaks, then festoon them with your choice of gems and/or stickers. 

The trend was originally started by talented YouTuber Taylor R, who posted a look she created and shared it with her 320K Instagram followers. 

The caption read: “Christmas Tree Eyebrows 🎄 Yes or No? 🤔 ” 

Most fans were into the look, so Taylor later shared a short snippet of the Christmas tree eyebrows tutorial. 

The trend soon picked up and others started to create their own versions. 

It seems the trend is a hit with makeup lovers and Christmas enthusiasts alike. 

However, with the hectic nature of the holiday period and the many things that need doing, others might relate this post.