John Lewis Explains Why Santa Didn't Bring Trampoline In Christmas Advert, After Claims It 'Ruined Christmas'

Maybe something you'll want to pass on to your kids.

John Lewis has offered parents and children an explanation about why it wasn’t Santa who brought a girl her new trampoline in their 2016 Christmas advert.

The advert, which people are calling #BusterTheDog, shows a dad building a trampoline ready for his daughter Bridget to see in the morning.

However some parents have claimed it has “ruined the magic of Christmas” for kids, who believe Father Christmas is the one who brings all their presents. 

“John Lewis... I’m going to ask you the same question my little boy asked me after watching your Christmas ad,” one mum wrote on Facebook. “Why doesn’t Father Christmas bring that little girl her present?” 

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Others took to Twitter to vent their frustration. 

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However, a spokesperson for John Lewis told The Huffington Post UK: “We’re sure Father Christmas has also visited Bridget and Buster the night before.

“This is just an extra special gift from her parents because she loves to bounce.”

Well that’s cleared that up, then. 

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