How A Walking Or Running Meditation Can Improve Your Life

How Running Meditation Can Up Your Game

With the London Marathon just over a month away, both newbies and veterans are wondering how they can become better runners.

The clever people behind the Headspace meditation app have come up with a form of meditation that you can do while running, which helps to refocus and calm your brain. The first is for walking, followed by a meditation for running.

Breathe deep and take a look:

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Without trying to change the way you’re walking, simple observe how it feels. Just take a moment to observe it, to notice it.


Pay attention to what is going on around you. It might be people walking past, shop window displays, cars, advertisements. Notice the colours and shapes, the movements and perhaps the stillness too.


Turn your attention to sounds – what can you hear? Without getting caught up thinking about the objects of sound, just take a moment to be aware of them, as though they are just coming and going in your field of awareness.


Notice any physical sensations or feelings. Perhaps it’s the feeling of warm sunshine, cool rain or a cold breeze. Perhaps it’s the sensation of the soles of the feet touching the ground with each step.

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Weird Things Running Does To Your Body
Self-Healing Heart(01 of09)
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Any runner will tell you that nothing gets the heart pumping like a long run on a trail or treadmill. But new research suggests that all that heart-friendly exercise may actually cause temporary damage to the right ventricle. In a study of 40 elite athletes who were training for endurance running events, researchers found signs of damage immediately following the races — the heart was enlarged, and function of the right ventricle had decreased.Don’t let this send you running away from your workout and to the doctor, though: Scientists say they found no evidence that running isn’t healthy, and that amazingly, the athletes’ hearts were able to completely heal themselves from the damage in about a week. (credit:Shutterstock)
Runner's Face(02 of09)
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New Jersey cosmetic surgeon Brian S. Glatt, MD, recently made waves when he said in a press release that some runners quite literally run their faces off, creating a “Skeletor”-esque appearance. The condition he coined “runner’s face” often affects men and women age 40 and older who burn off too much fat beneath their facial skin.“The marked loss of fatty tissue results in a loss of volume, which leads to a prominent appearance of the bones, accelerated development of skin laxity, and deepening of wrinkles,” Dr. Glatt said in his press release. “Though you may look like a 20-year-old from the neck down — your face will easily give away your age.” Ouch!But others disagree. Calling the problem runner’s face is a misnomer, says Kevin Burns, licensed fitness instructor and American Council on Exercise spokesperson. He says that the loss of facial fatty tissue is just as likely to be caused by a strict diet or a different form of rigorous exercise. He acknowledges that this can lead to a more angular appearance in older runners, but that’s no reason to stop working out. “Comments like Glatt’s aren’t doing very good things for the running community or for physical activity at large,” according to Burns. (credit:Shutterstock)
Crackling Knees(03 of09)
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Patellofemoral pain syndrome, also known as runner’s knee, is one of the sport’s most common body wreckers. Watch out for pain around or just behind your kneecap, especially after long periods of sitting with bent knees, running, squatting, or climbing or descending stairs.Wondering what you did to your knee to provoke those angry clicking noises? Consider the knee joint’s delicate location: It serves as the connector between your thigh bone and shin bone. If your kneecap doesn’t move properly at this junction or if you increase your mileage too fast, you can develop runner’s knee as you extend your leg.Don’t rush to alter your running style, though. Burns says that many runners actually injure themselves further by trying to “fix” their stride. The best treatment is to take a short vacation from running, and then ease back in steadily with plenty of warm-up exercise and supplemental training, such as straight leg raises and stretches, to strengthen your knee joint. (credit:Shutterstock)
Dead Butt Syndrome(04 of09)
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“There’s been a lot of hype lately about running being a literal ‘pain in the butt’,” Burns says. Pain in the butt, or “dead butt syndrome,” refers to the formally named condition gluteus medius tendinosis, which is an inflammation of the tendons in your rear. This pain doesn’t strike only runners — any rigorous activity can trigger it — but distance runners are among the athletes most likely to experience it.Burns says that overuse can be a factor, which is a sign from your body that you should slow down or take a break altogether. Pulled muscles, muscle strains, and hip and pelvis misalignment are other culprits. The pain most commonly starts in the glutes and shoots down the back of the leg, and it can worsen over time if you don’t stop to take care of it.Burns advises taking the same measures with your achy bum as you would with a bum knee. Don’t drastically change your running style or stride in hopes of deflecting pain, just give your body some good old-fashioned rest and TLC, a pain reliever like ibuprofen, and ice. Dead butt shouldn’t sideline you for too long, but talk to your doctor if the pain doesn’t subside after about a week. (credit:Shutterstock)
Black Toenails(05 of09)
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Are you going through a Goth phase, or is that not black nail polish on your big toe? If you find yourself with an unintentional (one-toed) pedicure after a hard run, you’re not alone. Many runners suffer from black toenails, which are caused by bleeding underneath the nail.Improperly fitted or too-small footwear is usually the culprit. “Two of the most important pieces of equipment I own are my shoes,” Burns says. “The correct shoe can make all the difference.” An ill-fitting shoe can rub harshly on your feet, eventually causing enough friction to bruise or bloody the toes. Remedy the problem by buying your running shoes a size larger, or talking to experienced runners or personal trainers at your local gym for shoe recommendations. (credit:Shutterstock)
Chafing(06 of09)
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The sporting goods industry has been kind to women’s chests, producing sports bras in every shape imaginable. But because men don’t have the protection of a sports bra, their sensitive nipples can chafe easily during long-distance training. Burns says he has seen many male runners sporting bruised or bloody chests after a marathon, and he advises them to use petroleum jelly or bandages to protect their nipples during long runs.Female runners commonly chafe along the bikini line — especially if they wear thong underwear. The ropelike fabric can rub and irritate that sensitive area, and excess sweat makes the problem worse. To protect your nether regions, choose comfort over fashion while working out. Look for undergarments made of fabrics with natural wicking properties, like nylon or mesh. (credit:Shutterstock)
Runny Nose(07 of09)
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When you go running, does your nose follow suit? A 2006 study in the Journal Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology found that 56 per cent of people got the sniffles while running outdoors. This condition is called exercise-induced rhinitis, and it’s probably caused by the increased air flow that you inhale as your breathing rate quickens, which sends your nose into mucus-producing overdrive. Also, the weather has a serious impact: Both cool air and dry air have been found to increase nasal mucus production.Don’t let your running nose interfere with your running schedule. Consider taking an antihistamine to dry out nasal passages prior to your workout, tucking tissues into the pockets of your shorts, or switching to indoor training. (credit:Shutterstock)
Overactive Bladder(08 of09)
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Found yourself with the “gotta-go” feeling only a couple miles in — though you went right before you started your run? This could be due to a couple of factors. Increased blood flow from the cardiovascular workout can speed up other body systems as well, including your kidneys’ production of urine. Also, the urge to pee may not be what it seems, Burns says. If you’re dehydrated, your body may hold on to this concentrated reserve of urine, creating a sensation similar to the one you get when you have to urinate.If this is a problem, don’t stop hydrating, as water is essential to a healthy workout. Instead, plan ahead to scope out pit stops along your route, and talk to your doctor if it becomes a consistent issue. (credit:Shutterstock)
Runner's High(09 of09)
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As devotees will tell you, running isn’t all aches and pains. Perhaps one of the greatest side effects of a runner’s lifestyle — besides the lean physique and cardiovascular health — is the natural “runner’s high” that you get from pounding the pavement. “The psychological benefits of running are enormous — runner’s euphoria is a real, proven benefit,” Burns says.According to a study in the journal Cerebral Cortex, running really does produce feel-good endorphins in the areas of the brain associated with emotion. The study found that the time and intensity of running required to achieve runner’s high differs from person to person, as does the intensity of the high. But in general, researchers found most people to be happier and more relaxed during and after runs. The same endorphins that produce runner’s high also relieve stress and boost mood. (credit:Shutterstock)

Running meditation:

1. Before you go get ready for your run try to get sense of how you are feeling, and as you change into your running clothes, begin to notice the physical sensations in your body

2. Before you leave take a few deep breaths to help to help you focus. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Once you are running you can return to your preferred breathing method.

3. As you begin to run bring your attention back to your body. How are the muscles feeling in response to the movement?

4. As you settle in to your run, begin to notice the rhythm you’ve established, is there anywhere in your body that feels tight? If there is observe it and let yourself become aware of it and resist the temptation to try and fight it.

5. Be aware of what’s going on around you instead of remaining lost in thought/ if you are running more seriously you may prefer to focus on the mechanics of running. Even if you are pushing hard to better your time try to notice how little effort is involved in the actual action of running, the more effort you put in. The more likely you will tighten up.

6. Whether you are running for fun or seriously, the exercise is more manageable if you break it down into sections, some people prefer stride by stride, others prefer street by street.

Click here to find out more about Headspace.