Neo Pangea To Launch 'Intern Abuser' Website

Intern Submits To Online 'Abuse' In Return For College Fund Money

The depths to which interns will sink in return for a few weeks of experience are well documented - and lamented by campaigners.

But this might be a new low.

The 'digital boutique' Neo Pangea has announced its own version of the Milgram experiment, in which they will give internet users the chance to physically and mentally attack their new intern, online.

Come October 11 and 12, the company will give the controls of a robotic device to the Internet that has the ability to shoot foam darts, swing a club, release clouds of smoke, play loud music, and a extend a boxing glove attached to some lazy tongs.

The target of this (good natured) abuse will be Frank Marsters, a student and apparent 'intern' at the company.

Exactly why Marsters agreed to be the target of unending online ridicule isn't clear - though the company has put a donation box on its website for guilty punishers to contribute to his college fund.

Yes, it's a bit tacky - and a slightly cheesy PR stunt. But come 11 October it's going to be hard not to click that link...