This Teacher Is Using Memes To Mark Her Student's Homework And We Applaud Her

Good job. 💯

Forget gold stars and green ticks. A teacher has been using meme stickers to give feedback on her student’s work – and people are absolutely loving it. 

Twitter user Ainee F, who tweets at @axfxq, shared a video of herself marking a piece of work from her students’ class, where she stuck the following response next to an answer that obviously wasn’t quite right. 

After receiving nearly 100,000 retweets for the video, Ainee sent another tweet the following day showing she also uses positive meme stickers. Next to a 10/10 marking, she added a sticker of Gordon Ramsay with the words: “Good job, you get a gold star for today.”

Ainee made all the meme stickers herself, she told followers, but after getting thousands of requests from teachers asking where they could get their hands on them, she decided to share out the link here

“These were really well received by my kids,” she wrote. “Students who normally wouldn’t care actually asked if they could correct their tests for a better grade and had a good laugh especially because they always show me memes.”

She added: “I just wanna clarify, I teach high school children. I would not do this with younger students. This is the culture in my class we’ve built and because of that, they loved it. My fellow teachers loved it too.”

Ainee teaches media studies, where the class often study digital trends and social media, so she felt the stickers were relevant to her lessons, too.

The stickers certainly went down very well on Twitter.

And unsurprisingly, people responded in kind with some true classics of the genre.