The Bare Midriff Is Back, Follow Our Eight Tips for Middle Management

The key is in exposing upper abs only which involves wearing your cropped top with high waisted jeans or trousers, either that or flashing a sliver of stomach a la Gwyneth Paltrow who at 40 has crushed the idea that only teenagers can wear this trend. (Thanks Gywn)

Just when you thought you'd got your spring wardrobe covered - nice pencil skirt, pastel shades, pretty blouse - phew, no need to bare any flesh just yet apart from maybe a tiny sliver of ankle - a pile of celebrities go and bare their midriffs.

Bare legs? That's so 2013. 2014, looks set to be the year of middle ground. At California's Coachella festival last week, there were more midriffs on show than micro shorts. Queen of the stomach scene is Poppy Delevingne and her hippy set whose middles are as springy as Gucci leather handbags. Nearly every other celebrity is at it too, including Beyonce who snapped a headless selfie of herself last week about to board a flight in a skin tight cropped top. Plus, every A-lister on the red carpet is wearing a dress with cut-out middle sections. Since when did it become OK to expose your stomach at a black tie do?

But there's something in this - unlike the nineties when the Buffalo-booted Spice Girls flashed their stomach piercings, this time round the trend feels more sophisticated. The key is in exposing upper abs only which involves wearing your cropped top with high waisted jeans or trousers, either that or flashing a sliver of stomach a la Gwyneth Paltrow who at 40 has crushed the idea that only teenagers can wear this trend. (Thanks Gywn)

The good news? The upper ab area is the area of the stomach most easily toned. The reality? It's fare to say that midriff baring will be more divisive than Marmite.

We asked our experts at Get the Gloss for their tips to getting a washboard wonder.

1. Abs are Made in the Kitchen

I wrote a piece about this on following a bikini mission last year. My trainer Steve Mellor from freedom2train taught me that you can do as many crunches as you like but unless you get rid of the overlying fat on top, then your abs will be buried forever, Only through fat burning exercises (see below) and clean eating (also see below) will you beat the belly blubber.

2. Manage your insulin levels

Amelia Freer who is a nutritional therapist we love at says "Elevated levels of insulin encourage the storage of fat, particularly around the middle. So managing blood sugar levels to reduce insulin production is key to reducing abdominal fat storage." So that's NO to refined sugars and processed foods such as white bread, white pasta, cakes and pastries which lead to fat storage, and YES to anything unprocessed. The rule of thumb - if it carries a label don't eat it.


"The best fat-torching exercises are ones that increase your lean muscle mass, like lifting weights or HIIT exercises," says celebrity trainer Dalton Wong of Twenty Two training. We have written extensively about HIIT training, which involves short bursts of hard exercise, followed by short rest periods. The key, according to Steve Mellor is "If you can speak you're not doing it hard or fast enough."

4. Test for intolerance

"To avoid bloating" says Amelia Freer, "You need to avoid foods you may be intolerant to. Gluten and dairy are the most common to cause bloating but one man's food is another's poison. If you aren't sure if foods are causing bloating, keep a food and digestive diary for a week to see if you can link symptoms to a particular food."

5. Stand tall

Even the most taut midriff can be ruined by bad posture, but Dalton Wong says back exercises can help. "Choose exercises like a variation of rows/pulling exercises for your back, long postural endurance exercises like cobras and Y + T's (stand legs hip width apart and pull your arms up into a 'Y' shape, take them back into the middle before swinging them out to the sides into a T shape). Also stretch your chest out, and lift that chest up"

6. Pack in protein

Protein is not just for bodybuilders. Amelia Freer insists that if you want to lose body fat, then adding protein to every meal will help. It not only keeps you fuller for longer but it builds lean muscle (note not bulky muscle). The more lean muscle the more fat you will burn and the tighter your tummy will look.

7. The Crunch Bunch

If fat is not an issue for you but lack of definition is, then Dalton suggests exercises that work the abs hard. He advises a "weighted swiss ball crunch - by using the ball, you get a greater range of movement which equals a stronger, more defined tum."

Susannah Taylor is the Editor-in-Chief of, an online destination for expert beauty and health.

Also on HuffPost:

Exercises For A Better Body
Bosu Sit Up With Rotation (01 of158)
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WORK: Obliques Lay on your mat with a Bosu balancer underneath your back. Next, come up to a crunch and reach out to the left side, then right. (credit:Shutterstock)
Bicycle Crunches (02 of158)
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WORK: Obliques Keep your hands behind your head and make sure your shoulders and elbow are straight. Come up to a crunch, keeping your core tight and neck away from your shoulders. Move your elbow towards the opposite knee, creating a bicycle movement. (credit:Shutterstock)
Sit-Ups(03 of158)
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WORK: Rectus abdominis (ab muscles) For the sit-up, remember to keep your core tight and use your ab muscles to move up (not your neck and head). (credit:Shutterstock)
Leg Lifts (04 of158)
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WORK: Rectus abdominis (ab muscles) Lay on the floor and keep your legs together. Next, lift your legs up while keeping the core tight and moving slower as you go down. (credit:Shutterstock)
Plank (05 of158)
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WORK: Transverse abdominis (ab muscles) Get into a push-up position on your elbows and hold. Remember to lower your hips and look straight. (credit:Shutterstock)
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IT Band (07 of158)
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To get into position, put the roller under your hip and keep one leg on the floor as a support. Start at your hip and work the roller down to the knee by moving alongside it. If you find a tender spot, push down and hold or roll quickly back and forth over the tender spot. This will help loosen up the IT band. (credit:Momentum Fitness )
TFL Or Hip Flexor (08 of158)
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This one includes the same instructions as the last one, but this time spread your legs outwards. Start at your hip and work down to the knee. If you find a tender spot, push down and hold or roll quickly back and forth over the tender spot. Similarly to the last exercise, this will help stretch out your hip flexors. (credit:Momentum Fitness )
Quadriceps (09 of158)
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Get in plank position and put the roller under your hip. Keep your hands on the floor and core tight. Start at your hip and work down to the knee in order to stretch your quadriceps from the front. (credit:Momentum Fitness )
Hamstring And Glutes (10 of158)
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Start by sitting on the foam roller, then roll your hips towards the ground. To increase pressure, keep your bum in the air. (credit:Momentum Fitness )
Calf (11 of158)
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Sit on the ground and start with the foam roller behind the knee and pull your knees up. As the image shows, lift the hips up and roll back and forth, keeping the legs straight. (credit:Momentum Fitness )
Ankle (12 of158)
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You might not think about stretching your ankles, but it's a good idea. For people who get really tight on the sides of the ankle, start at the ankle bone and roll up to mid-calf. (credit:Momentum Fitness )
Latissimus (Back Muscles) (13 of158)
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Start at the armpit and roll down your side to the rib cage. This move will help you loosen up your back muscles. (credit:Momentum Fitness )
Low Back And Hip (14 of158)
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Start with your hips on the roller and shoulders on the floor. Rock back and forth. For a better workout, lift one leg in the air and rock back and forth or turn the roller vertically and go side to side. (credit:Momentum Fitness )
Upper Back (15 of158)
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This move can be a continuation of the last move, or you can start with your hips on the ground and the roller in the middle of your back. Lift the hips up and roll to the neck. (credit:Momentum Fitness )
Glutes (16 of158)
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For the glutes, start by sitting on the foam roller and bend both knees and roll your hips forward. For a targeted workout, go onto one glute. (credit:Momentum Fitness )
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NEXT: Workouts if you sit at your computer all day. Read the full article here.
Physioball Y's and T's, Part 1(18 of158)
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Stabilize your body on the ball with your legs extended, feet on the floor, back in neutral position and chest high off the ball.
Physioball Y's and T's, Part 2(19 of158)
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Raise your arms slightly above shoulder level with thumbs up, glide your shoulder blades toward the spine, creating a “Y”, while keeping your core tight. Return to the starting position.
Physioball Y's and T's, Part 3(20 of158)
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For the “T”, raise your arms to the sides with thumbs up, and glide your shoulder blades toward the spine while keeping your core tight. Perform two sets of 10 repetitions, alternating “Y’s” and “T’s”, and hold each exercise for six seconds. Rest three seconds between repetitions. Targets: Upper Back/Shoulders
Glute Bridge, Part 1(21 of158)
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Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms at your sides.
Glute Bridge, Part 2(22 of158)
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Then, lift your pelvis off the floor until your knees, hips and shoulders are aligned. Perform two sets of eight repetitions and hold each exercise for 20 seconds. Rest 10 seconds between repetitions. Targets: Gluteals /Hamstrings /Core musculature
Side Lying Rotation, Part 1(23 of158)
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In a left side-lying position, keep your arms straight out at shoulder level, palms together, right hip crossed over the body and parallel with the arms, both knees bent to 90 degrees with your right knee supported (by a Bosu ball, towel, foam roller, etc.).
Side Lying Rotation, Part 2(24 of158)
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Maintain contact with the knee support, keep your hips aligned and rotate your upper body leading with the right hand, trying to touch your shoulder blades to the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side. Perform two sets of 10 repetitions per side and hold each exercise for 6 seconds. Rest three seconds between repetitions.Targets: Chest /Obliques and Spine mobility
Kneeling Lunge With Overhead Press, Part 1(25 of158)
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Kneel on your left knee, take a step forward and place your right foot on the floor.
Kneeling Lunge With Overhead Press, Part 2(26 of158)
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Lunge forward until your right knee is over your toe, and raise your hands overhead with straight arms. Perform two sets of 10 repetitions and hold each exercise for six seconds. Rest three seconds between repetitions. Targets: Hip flexor/Core/Shoulder musculature
Bird Dog, Part 1(27 of158)
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In the quadruped position, keep your knees directly under your hips, hands under your shoulders, and your back in a neutral position.
Bird Dog, Part 2(28 of158)
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Raise your left arm straight in front of you at shoulder level, palm down, and raise your right leg behind you, aligning your heel with the same height as your hand. Avoid pelvic rotation by holding your core tight. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side. Perform two sets of 10 repetitions per side and hold each exercise for six seconds. Rest three seconds between repetitions.Targets: Gluteals /Shoulders /Core musculature
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NEXT: 5 exercises that can help improve your stamina. Read the full article here.
Pistol Squat with Suspension - 10 each(30 of158)
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Pistol squats develop leg strength, flexibility, balance skills and increases your vertical jump. Stand facing the suspension trainer and hold the handles with a light neutral grip. Lift one leg off the floor, flex the heel, and squat down on the standing leg until the squat is parallel to the ground. Push up to the starting position and repeat 10 times, then switch legs. An eventual goal is to perform a pistol squat without the suspension trainer to assist you.
Push-Up on an Incline - 15 each(31 of158)
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Putting hands on an incline allows you to maintain good posture throughout the exercise and perform a higher number of reps necessary for endurance. Stand facing a bench or sturdy elevated platform. Place hands slightly wider than shoulder width with legs straight out behind you. Keeping the body straight, lower your chest to the edge of the bench by bending the elbows. Push body up until arms are extended. Repeat.
Walking Lunge With High Knees - 15 each leg with dumbbells(32 of158)
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Increase the intensity of walking lunges by adding dumbbells and high knee thrusts between each repetition. Stand with two dumbbells in your hands by your side. Step forward about two feet with your right leg, your left leg stationary. Lower your upper body down, keeping your torso upright and balanced. Using the heel of your foot, push up and go back to your starting position. Repeat this movement 15 times, then switch legs and repeat.
Bear Crawl - Crawl for 1 minute(33 of158)
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This exercise will rapidly elevate the heart rate for anaerobic conditioning and challenge the muscular endurance of the upper body and lower body. For proper technique, keep the spine parallel to the floor throughout the exercise, no hunching or rounding of the back. Start in a crawl position with knees elevated off the floor and your abs braced in tight. Step forward leading with the right foot and left hand, then the same with the left foot and right hand. Build your speed up until you are crawling forward quickly, and then reverse movement stepping backwards.
One Arm Dumbbell Row - 15 each(34 of158)
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Done in a bent-over position using a bench or chair to support one hand, hold a dumbbell with your right hand and place your left hand on the bench for support. Pull your abdominals in, slightly bend your knees, and lower forward from the hips so your back is naturally arched and parallel to the floor. Pull your right arm up until your elbow is pointing to the ceiling and your hand comes to the outside of the rib cage. Lower weight slowly back down. Repeat 15 times, then switch sides.
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NEXT: 8 exercises to help moms lose their baby weight. Read the full article here.
The Elliptical Trainer(36 of158)
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This is a great all-over body workout, so if you love this machine, go for it. BUT don’t just leisurely glide on it, as it’s so easy to do. Crank up the intensity and the incline — and do sprint intervals: one fast-paced minute followed by a slower two minutes…and repeat. Calorie burn: about 374 calories in 30 minutes. (credit:Shutterstock)
The WiiFit(37 of158)
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My husband and kids bought this for me for Mother’s Day (hmm..a subtle hint that I need to start working out more?). But I just haven’t been able to get into it; if I have a free half-hour, I’d rather get outside and get some fresh air. But the good thing is you can do this while the baby’s sleeping, or even playing, next to you. Calorie burn: it depends on the activity you select.
Running(38 of158)
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I love this because all you need is a pair of sneakers, a super-supportive sports bra (particularly if you’re breastfeeding) and some motivation. You can crank up the tunes on your iPod and move at your own pace, at any time of the day. If you’re using the treadmill, do sprints: warm up slowly for 5 minutes, then run fast for 30 seconds, followed by a slower two minutes — and repeat until your 5-minute cool-down. Calorie burn: running for 30 minutes at about 5 mph burns approximately 278 calories. If you do sprints, you’ll burn more! (credit:Shutterstock)
Walking(39 of158)
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Ditto for walking, and this form of exercise is even better because you can walk for long periods…and it doesn’t really seem like exercise. I try to walk my older son to and from school every day, and if I have time, do an extra lap around the park near his school just to sneak in as much exercise as possible. Calorie burn: walking for 30 minutes at around 3 mph burns about 144 calories. (credit:Shutterstock)
Spinning/Biking(40 of158)
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I have a bike, and I have to admit, this is the hardest exercise routine to get back into (I don’t know why!). But, even if you have an indoor bike or want to head to a spin class at your local gym, this exercise helps build up leg muscles…and gets you closer toward that goal of lean legs (always high on my list!). Calorie burn: Biking or spinning for 45 minutes — the length of one class — burns about 346 calories. (credit:Shutterstock)
Swimming(41 of158)
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This is one of the best exercises for all-over body toning. Mix it up and try different strokes, or grab a kickboard and give your legs an intense workout. Calorie burn: you’ll burn about 200 calories in 30 minutes. (credit:Shutterstock)
Weight Training(42 of158)
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Keep in mind that you should do some weight training, too. The reason: muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn all day long, and the leaner you’ll be. If you’re one of those people (as I used to be) who skip the weight room and stick to the cardio machines, I’d recommend treating yourself to a trainer to help you learn how to use the machines in the gym, or even to show you how to do simple sculpting exercises at home. (You can also buy exercise videos; top-notch trainers Jackie Warner and Jillian Michaels both have a number of great home workout videos.) (credit:Shutterstock)
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NEXT: 10 exercises to help improve your balance and make you walk taller. Read the full article here.
Single Leg Balance(44 of158)
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Standing in an upright position, put your arms into a "T" position. Stand on your left leg and sweep the right leg forward and back, maintaining form, posture and balance. Repeat 10 to 20 times, then do the same on your right left.To increase the workload, as you extend back, reach your hand to the floor with your leg in the back bent position. Sweep the leg forward and reach your right arm up to the ceiling with your knee bent. Repeat 10 times, then switch sides.
Side Leg Raises(45 of158)
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Side Leg RaisesStanding upright with your abs pulled in and with tall posture, stand on your left leg and sweep your right leg to the side, 10 to 20 times. Repeat on your other leg.To increase the workload, when the leg sweeps to the right side, land in a lateral lunge. Pick the leg back up and sweep to the left side. Repeat 10 times, then switch legs. (credit:Shutterstock)
Body Squats(46 of158)
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Start in the squat position, and jump up and back down into a squat. Repeat 10 times. (credit:Shutterstock)
Single Leg Hops(47 of158)
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Standing on your right leg, hop up and down for 10 to 30 seconds, then switch to the left. Standing on the right leg again, hop towards the front and towards the back for 15 to 30 seconds, then switch legs. Finally, hop side to side on your right leg for 10 to 20 seconds, then switch and do the same on your left. (credit:Shutterstock)
Pass The Ball(48 of158)
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Keeping a small yoga ball, water bottle or medicine ball in your right hand, stand on your left leg with your right leg slightly brushed forward and off the floor. Put both arms in the "T" position, palms facing up, and then lift the ball overhead and pass it to the left hand. Repeat passing the weight from one hand to the other 10 times. Change legs and repeat. (credit:Shutterstock)
Plyo Power Lunges(49 of158)
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Start in a lunge position, jump up and switch legs. Repeat for 30 seconds. (credit:Shutterstock)
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NEXT: Exercises to tone your wobbly arms. Read the full article here.
Close Grip Push-Ups (51 of158)
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Start in a push-up position with your hands about six inches apart and your body in a stiff plank position. Bend your elbows to slowly lower your chest to the ground and press back up until you fully extend your arms.
Close Grip Push-Ups (52 of158)
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Variation: Try this exercise from the knees if you are a beginner, or add a weight plate or a sandbag on your back if you’re looking for an extra challenge.
Kettlebell Tricep Extension (53 of158)
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Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Brace your core and hold a kettlebell overhead with the weight hanging below the handle. With your elbows locked in position, slowly bend them to lower the kettlebell back and behind your head until you reach a 90-degree bend at the elbow joint. Contract the triceps as you push the kettlebell back up to starting position.Variation: Try this with one kettlebell in each hand to target the triceps individually.
Dip (54 of158)
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Grip the dip bars and start at the top position with your arms fully extended and your body perpendicular to the floor, with your shoulders pulled back and down. Bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself until your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Push yourself up by contracting your triceps and extending your elbows to 180-degrees for a full range of motion. Variation: For an easier modification, try this move off a bench with your feet out in front of you until you can build up to a full body weight dip.
Kettlebell Hammer Curls (55 of158)
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Grab a pair of kettlebells and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Lock up your wrists and hammer curl the kettlebells by keeping your palms facing one another. Slowly resist the kettlebells back to their starting position.
Kettlebell Hammer Curls (56 of158)
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Keep your elbows tight to your sides and resist the temptation to move or raise them as you hammer curl the weight up.
Zottman Curls (57 of158)
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Grab a pair of dumbbells and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Turn your palms up and move your dumbbell grip in towards the body.
Zottman Curls (58 of158)
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Curl the dumbbells up, pause at the top and reverse your grip so your palms are now facing down. Lower the weight to full extension and reverse your grip again.
Zottman Curls (59 of158)
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Use dumbbells that are about 50 to 60 per cent of the weight you would normally use for standard curls in order to execute this exercise with proper technique.
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Young woman relaxing during yoga (Series with the same model available) (credit:Shutterstock)
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Woman Pilates Shoulder Bridge Position (credit:Shutterstock)
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NEXT: 5 moves to tone and lift your chest. Read the full story here.
Hand Cup Press(65 of158)
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An easy little move will work chest, and biceps. Stand straight with feet hip distance apart. Raise arms to shoulder level and then cup your hands together in front of chest. Don't interlace fingers. Now, with hands cupped together press palms together – this will engage not only hand muscles but arms and pectoral chest muscles. Press for 30 seconds, stop, and reverse hands, and press again for another 30 seconds. Stop, shake out arms, and repeat move each way, two more times. This can also be done using a stabilizing ball. (credit:Shutterstock)
Plank Pose(66 of158)
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This wonderful exercise not only strengthens chest but also abdomen, arms and lower back. Start plank pose on hands and knees – look like a table. Don't let chest sag down between shoulders. Gaze between hands, tuck toes, and step feet back. Bring length of body and head into a straight line. Hold this plank position for 60 seconds. To come out of pose, drop lightly to knees. Repeat two more times. (credit:Shutterstock)
Backpack Push-Up(67 of158)
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Great to do at home if you don't have fancy gym equipment. Take a firm-fitting backpack, preferably one with padded shoulder straps, and fill it with non-sharp household items that have weight. Get into position with the pack and contents fixed firmly to back, and proceed with normal push-ups. The more weight in the backpack, the harder the workout. Start with 10 to 20 push-ups with weighted pack, then adjust if needed. Repeat 20 more times. (credit:Shutterstock)
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NEXT: How to strengthen triceps and upper arms. Read the full article here.
Equalizer Dips, Part 1(69 of158)
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Starts with a firm grip around the equalizer bars, feet extended out in front. Look to a point slightly in front of you to help maintain good posture. Inhale while slowly lowering and exhale as you drive your body upwards for a full range of motion.
Equalizer Dips, Part 2(70 of158)
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Don’t let your shoulders roll forward. Remember, chest up and shoulders back. Your shoulders must not go lower than your elbows.
Dumbbell Triceps Kickback, Part 1(71 of158)
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Start with a dumbbell in hand and your palms facing your torso. Keep your back straight with a slight bend in the knees and bend forward at the waist. Your torso should be almost parallel to the floor. Make sure to keep your head up. Your upper arms should be close to your torso and parallel to the floor. Your forearms should be pointed towards the floor as you hold the weights. There should be a 90-degree angle formed between your forearm and upper arm. This is your starting position.
Dumbbell Triceps Kickback, Part 2(72 of158)
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Now, while keeping your upper arms stationary, exhale and use your triceps to lift the weights until the arm is fully extended. Focus on moving the forearm. After a brief pause at the top contraction, inhale and slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
Triceps Rope Extension, Part 1(73 of158)
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Attach a rope to a high cable pulley. After selecting an appropriate weight, grasp the rope with both hands and face towards the cable. Position your elbows at 90 degree as your starting position. To perform the movement, extend through the elbow while keeping the upper arm in position, your hands and rope should pass just outside your hips to allow for full elbow extension.
Triceps Rope Extension, Part 2(74 of158)
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Squeeze your triceps at the bottom of the movement, and slowly lower the weight back to the start position.
Single Arm Cable Triceps Extension, Part 1(75 of158)
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With your right hand, grasp a single handle attached to the high-cable pulley using a supinated (underhand; palms facing up) grip. You should be standing directly in front of the weight stack. Now pull the handle down so that your upper arm and elbow are locked in to the side of your body. Your upper arm and forearm should form an acute angle (less than 90-degrees). You can keep the other arm by the waist and you can have one leg in front of you and the other one back for better balance. This will be your starting position.
Single Arm Cable Triceps Extension, Part 2(76 of158)
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As you contract the triceps, move the single handle attachment down to your side until your arm is straight. Breathe out as you perform this movement. Only the forearms should move and your upper arms should remain stationary at all times. Squeeze the triceps and hold for a second in this contracted position.Slowly return the handle to the starting position.
TRX Triceps Extension, Part 1(77 of158)
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Hang the TRX cables at an elevated point so that the handles hang down to just above your waist. Grasp the handles with your palms facing downwards. Keep your body in a straight line and lean forward so that your body makes about a 50-degree angle with the floor.
TRX Triceps Extension, Part 2(78 of158)
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In a slow, controlled fashion allow your elbow joint to flex, lengthening your triceps. When your hands reach directly over your shoulders, exhale as your extend your elbows by contracting your triceps.
Diamond Pushups, Part 1(79 of158)
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Lie on the floor face down and place your hands closer than shoulder width for a close hand position allowing thumbs and index fingers to touch. Make sure that you are holding your torso up at arms' length.
Diamond Pushups, Part 2(80 of158)
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Lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor as you inhale. Using your triceps and some of your pectoral muscles, press your upper body back up to the starting position and squeeze your chest. Breathe out as you perform this step.
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NEXT: Exercises To Lengthen Your Thighs. Read the full story here.
Balance Plie, Part 1(82 of158)
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Begin with your heels together and toes pointed towards the corners of the room in a “turn out position." Lift the heels a few inches off the floor and balance keeping the knees slightly bent. You can use a chair or barre for help with balance if needed.
Balance Plie, Part 2(83 of158)
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Lower into a plie position keeping the shoulders over the hips, and hips over the heels to work the thigh muscles. Go deeper into the plie to make this exercise more challenging.Lift back to the starting position and repeat. Perform 16 reps moving slowly during the lowering phase (eccentric portion) of the exercise.
Lunges In Releve(84 of158)
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1. Begin by facing a barre or chair and place both hands on the barre for balance. Start with one leg forward aligning knee over ankle and place the other leg behind the body in lunge position. 2. Lift the front foot into a releve position, and lower into a lunge with the back leg creating a 90-degree angle. Make sure the front knee stays directly over the ankle and maintain an upright, neutral spine. 3. Work to hold this position with the front thigh parallel to the floor for a greater challenge. Work the thigh muscles by creating small pulsing movements by lifting and lowering one inch under control for 16 reps. Repeat on the other leg.
Plie Circles, Part 1(85 of158)
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Start with one hand on a chair or barre for balance. Place the feet outside of the hips and turn out the legs from the hips with toes pointing to the corners of the room.
Plie Circles, Part 2(86 of158)
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Begin by tilting the right hip to stretch the top of the right thigh and lower the hips towards the floor by circling from the right to the left. As the hips lift to the left side, work to stretch the top of the left thigh creating length in the muscle. Repeat 8 circles to the right moving slowly with control to create length in the quadriceps as the hips articulate in a circular motion. Repeat the movement to the left for 8 reps always emphasizing the tilt of the pelvis as the hips move from one side to the next.
Parallel Tucks, Part 1(87 of158)
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1. Begin with the feet hip-distance apart in parallel with toes facing forward. Lift the heels high off the floor and lower into a parallel plie maintaining shoulders over hips and hips over heels. Imagine your back is flat against a wall as you lower into the plie.
Parallel Tucks, Part 2(88 of158)
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2. Lift the right hip in the plie position to stretch the lateral (outside) portion of the thigh performing a side tuck. Stay low to generate a greater amount of resistance. Return the hips back to the center. 3. Tuck the pelvis under to stretch the top of the thighs. Release the tuck by moving the hips back to the starting position creating the neutral spine and maintaining the plie parallel position. Stay low to create more of a challenge.
Parallel Tucks, Part 3(89 of158)
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4. Now repeat the tuck to the left side by lifting the hips and repeating step #3.
Parallel Tucks, Part 4(90 of158)
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5. Finish the sequence, by repeating step #3. Repeat this entire sequence step 1-5 for 8-12 reps.
Lunge Tucks, Part 1(91 of158)
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Place the feet apart in a lunge position with the right leg in front. The front knee should align over the ankle. Lower into a lunge position and hold isometrically (holding static position). Make sure the front knee stays directly over the ankle during the lunge. Stay low in the lunge with a 90-degree angle on the back leg for greater intensity.
Lunge Tucks, Part 2(92 of158)
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Strongly tuck the pelvis under to deeply stretch the front of the back thigh (working leg) holding for 2 seconds before releasing the hips back to neutral and releasing the stretch of the back thigh. Repeat the tuck for 8 slow reps and finish the exercise with 16 quick tucks. Repeat this exercise on the left leg.
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NEXT: 5 exercises to get rid of your muffin top. Read the full article here.
Squats/Squat Jumps(94 of158)
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Feet hip-width apart, lower body weight down as if sitting into a chair while extending arms out in front of you, bring arms to your sides as you stand or hop back up. Repeat!Works: Full body (credit:Shutterstock)
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NEXT: 5 moves that can help improve your posture — and make you taller. Check out the full article here.
YTWLs(96 of158)
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Using a bench or a stability ball, lie down with your arms up and straight elbows, in a Y position. Then move your arms into a T position (straight out to the sides), a W position (elbows bent, squeezing the shoulder blades together) and ending in L (elbows at 90 degrees beside the ears). Keep arms high throughout, repeat 15 times.
Rotator Cuff Strengtheners(97 of158)
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Using lighter weights (anywhere between 5 to 12 pounds), bent at the waist with a straight back, keeping palms forward and elbows slightly bent in front of you. Take your arms out directly to the side, focusing on squeezing your shoulder blades together. Do this for 15 to 20 reps.
Single Leg Squat(98 of158)
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Balancing on one leg, position yourself above a bench or (stable) ball. Balance on the leg and keep weight in the heels and mid-foot, then push the hips down until you feel the bench or ball beneath you. Repeat for 15 times each side.
Hip Flexor Stretch(99 of158)
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Put your foot on the ball with your knee on the floor. Keep your other foot flat and knee at 90 degrees. To intensify the stretch, hold up the arm on the same side as the foot on the ball and lean back slightly. Hold to 35 for 45 seconds, then switch sides.
Chest Stretch(100 of158)
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Kneel beside the ball, with your hand on top of it and your opposite leg forward, bent at 90 degrees. Rotate your shoulder away from the ball to stretch your pecs. Hold for 35 to 45 seconds, then switch sides.
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NEXT: How to lose the last five (or 10) pounds in 16 minutes a day. Read the full article here.
Move 1: Bodyweight Wide Row(102 of158)
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Sit on floor and place elbows on two sturdy chairs, side tables, ottomans or workout benches. Bend knees 90 degrees and lift feet off floor. Press elbows into benches to engage back muscles and push chest forward as you pull knees into chest (as shown), then return to start. Repeat for 30 seconds.Works: Back and abs
Move 2: Bulgarian Split Squat Jump(103 of158)
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Stand about one foot in front of bench, and place top of right foot on it, elbows bent 90 degrees and hands in fists and shoulder height (as shown). Bend left knee, then jump, extending arms to ceiling. Continue jumping for 15 seconds. Switch sides, repeat.Works: Abs, butt, legs
Move 3: Pull-Push Side Plank(104 of158)
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Start on all fours, then press back into child's pose, balls of feet on floor, arms extended in front of you. Pull body forward into push-up position, elbows close to sides, knees on or off floor, then press back into child's pose. Next, press into side plank position, right hand on floor, kicking right leg through to left side and raising left arm to ceiling (as shown), then return to start. Continue for 15 seconds. Switch sides, repeat. Works: Chest, back, shoulders, arms, abs
Move 4: Single-Arm Plank Kick(105 of158)
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Start in deep lunge, left hand forward, right hand flat on floor, left arm extended behind you at left side. Step left leg back into single-arm plank, then step left leg forward, pressing off left foot to stand and kick right leg forward, elbows bent 90 degrees, hands in fists in front of face (as shown). Tap right toe to floor, then step back to start. Continue for 15 seconds. Switch sides, repeat.Works: Shoulders, abs, butt, legs
Move 5: Reverse Plank Leg Extension(106 of158)
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Start in reverse plank, shoulders over wrists. Bend right leg and draw knee in toward chest, then extend leg straight up to ceiling, toe pointed (as shown), then bend knee back in toward chest and return to start. Repeating on opposite leg. Continue for 30 seconds. Works: Shoulders, abs, butt, legs
Move 6 Squat Jump 180(107 of158)
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Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, arms at sides, then squat, touching left hand to floor between legs, palm in, right hand extended behind you (as shown), then press off floor and jump, rotating 180 degrees to left, wind-milling arms in air, landing in a squat with right hand on floor, between legs. Repeat, jump back to start, rotating body to right. Continue for 30 seconds. Works: Abs, butt, legs
Up Back And Down, Part 1(108 of158)
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Stand facing a sturdy object (like a kitchen counter), holding on with straight arms shoulder-width apart. Lift up onto the balls of your feet and turn your toes and knees out to the sides with your heels pressing together; arch your feet as much as you can comfortably. With a straight back, keep your shoulders relaxed and head held high.
Up Back And Down, Part 2(109 of158)
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Lower two inches and curl your pelvis up, pause and slowly release your pelvis to its starting position. Lower your body down another two inches and repeat your pelvic curl. Repeat once again, stay low in the position for your final set and repeat your pelvic curl three times. Reverse your exercise by raising up one or two inches (repeating your pelvic curl at each new height).See a video of this exercise here.THIS EXERCISE WILL: - Strengthen and tighten your legs and abdominal muscles- Stretch the spine and increase flexibility in your pelvic region
Inner Thigh Squeeze, Part 1(110 of158)
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Sit on the floor facing a chair with your legs straight out in front of you. Wrap each foot around the outside of your chair leg and point your toes.
Inner Thigh Squeeze, Part 2(111 of158)
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Lift your feet up about 3 inches off the floor. Place your hands on the floor besides your hips. Squeeze your feet and legs together around the chair legs, tightening your inner thighs for 100 counts. Relax the top of your body and let your head and shoulders fall forwards so that you are not putting any pressure onto your lower back. To come out gently lower each leg down to the floor and relax.See a video of this exercise here.THIS EXERCISE WILL: - tighten your inner thighs; stretch the spine, - strengthen the stomach, calves and feet
Bringing Up The Rear, Part 1(112 of158)
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Start seated facing your sturdy object (like a couch, table top) Bend your right leg in front of your body comfortably and bend your left leg behind you; with your left knee inline with your left hip and your left foot inline with your left knee (creating a 90 degree angle). Place your hands onto your object in front of you and gently roll your left hip forwards and backwards; you want to roll your left hip forward so that it is even with the right hip.
Bringing Up The Rear, Part 2(113 of158)
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With your left hip rolled forwards, gently press your left knee into the floor to lift your left foot off the ground. Tighten your behind and tilt your pelvis up as you raise your left knee up an inch or two. Pulse your left knee backwards for 100 counts without letting your hip or pelvis change position. Keep your knee and foot the same height (2-3 inches up off the floor). To come out, lower your left leg down and relax, repeat this exercise on the opposite side.See a video of this exercise here.THIS EXERCISE WILL: - Strengthen your hips, tighten and lift the behind- Shape the back of the leg from the knee up
On The Knees Leg Long (Left And Right)(114 of158)
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Start kneeling facing your sturdy object (table) with your arms straight and hands holding on for balance. Without locking your knee, take your right leg straight out to your side (in-line with your right hip). Rotate your right leg and hip forwards so the top of your toes are facing down on the floor. Drag your right leg in towards your body, tilt your pelvis up and gently lift your right leg up off the floor an inch or two. Pulse your right leg up and down for 100 counts and then repeat on the other side. To come out of the exercises lower your right leg, roll your hip back and relax.See a video of this exercise here.THIS EXERCISE WILL:- Lift your behind - Pulls in the waistline - Strengthen smaller muscle groups in the hip region
Wide Leg Plie(115 of158)
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Stand facing your sturdy object (counter top) with your legs hip width and your feet turned out comfortably. Bend your knees slightly and tilt your pelvis up while drawing your abdominals in. Slowly lower down into your plie. Raise back up into your starting plie position. When you lower down, draw your inner thighs backwards, and as you press back up, squeeze your sit bones together to work your behind. Repeat your wide leg plies 10-20 times slowly with control. To come out relax your pelvis and drop your heels (if raised).See a video of this exercise here.THIS EXERCISE WILL: - Strengthen and shape thighs inside and out - Tone the thighs and stretch the back
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NEXT: How to tone your whole body for weight loss and strength in 45 minutes. Read the whole article here.
WARM UP: Light Jog (117 of158)
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Jog on the spot for two minutes. (credit:Shutterstock)
WARM UP: Leg Kicks (118 of158)
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Kick out with a straight leg and switch legs as you go for one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
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BREAK for one minute
Sumo Squats (120 of158)
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Performed like a regular squat, but keep your legs wide apart like a sumo wrestler. Repeat for one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
Russian Twists (121 of158)
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Holding a kettlebell or ball while in a crunch position, move the kettlebell or ball from side to side, keeping your core tight and legs off the ground for a tougher option. Do this for one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
Squat Jumps (122 of158)
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Again, performed like a regular squat, but this time, jump up from the lowered position. Repeat this for one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
Plank Walks (123 of158)
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Start from standing and walk into your plank position by keeping both feet together and crawling up with your hands. Do this for one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
REPEAT Russian Twists (124 of158)
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Holding a kettlebell or ball while in a crunch position, move the kettlebell or ball from side to side, keeping your core tight and legs off the ground for a tougher option. Do this for one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
Push-Up With A Medicine Ball (125 of158)
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For one minute, do a regular push-up or try one with a medicine ball under your feet to work the core even more. (credit:Shutterstock)
Dips With Straight Leg (126 of158)
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Lie down on a mat and bring your legs up together and bring them down slowly. You can also try this move with a ball between your legs. Do this for one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
REPEAT: Sumo Squats (127 of158)
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Performed like a regular squat, but keep your legs wide apart like a sumo wrestler. Repeat for one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
REPEAT: Sumo Squats (128 of158)
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For one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
REPEAT Russian Twists (129 of158)
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For one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
REPEAT: Dips With Straight Leg (130 of158)
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For one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
REPEAT: Plank Walks (131 of158)
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For one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
REPEAT: Squat Jumps (132 of158)
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For one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
REPEAT Russian Twists (133 of158)
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For one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
REPEAT: Push-Up With A Medicine Ball (134 of158)
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For one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
REPEAT: Dips With Straight Leg (135 of158)
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For one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
REPEAT: Sumo Squats (136 of158)
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For one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
STRETCH: Hamstrings (137 of158)
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Touch the floor or touch your toes and hold for two minutes. (credit:Shutterstock)
STRETCH: Lower Back (138 of158)
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Get into the cobra stretch and keep your core tight. Hold this position for one minute. (credit:Shutterstock)
(139 of158)
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NEXT: 5 ways to get a sexy butt. Get the full article here.
Barbell Romanian Deadlift(140 of158)
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Start with a standard deadlift and then stop a few inches short of the ground, and keep straighter legs than you would in a conventional deadlift. Remember to maintain a flat back, with the shoulders pulled back. Perform four sets of 10 reps. (credit:Shutterstock)
Walking Lunges(141 of158)
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Using dumbbells, perform standard walking lunges. Make sure you take long strides, while keeping the emphasis on the glutes and hamstrings pulling you through to the next step. Perform three sets of 20 steps. (credit:Shutterstock)
Barbell Back Squat (142 of158)
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Perform a squat while holding a barbell on your shoulders, remembering to press through the heels and aim for full depth. Pull outwards on the bar with your hands in order to maintain the ideal tension through the upper body during the lift. Perform four sets of 10 reps. (credit:Shutterstock)
Pull-Throughs(143 of158)
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Position a cable pulley at the lowest level and attach rope handles. Stand facing away from the machine and straddle the rope and cable so you're holding the handles between your legs. Hinge at the hips and allow the arms to travel through the legs towards the cable stack. Keep a flat back when doing this. Squeeze the glutes and return to the tall standing position. Perform three sets of 12 reps. (credit:Shutterstock)
(144 of158)
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NEXT: How to build muscle in 20 minutes. Get the full article here.
Wide Squat(145 of158)
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With feet wider than hip distance apart, turn your toes slightly out. Keep your chest lifted with your belly tight. When lowering towards the ground, open up the hips and angle the knees over the ankles. Hold the squat at the bottom for a count before pushing up slowly back to a standing position. Repeat. (credit:Jerry Lin)
Alternating Lunges With Reach, Step One(146 of158)
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Starting with feet together, slowly step the left leg back, taking your left hand across to touch your right toes. (credit:Jerry Lin)
Supine Chest Fly(147 of158)
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On your back, bring your knees up to 90 degrees, engaging your core. Extend your arms overhead with your palms facing inward, lower the arms down towards the ground, keeping your elbows slightly bent the entire set and exhale as you bring your arms up as if to hug a big bear. Hold your elbows in a slightly flexed position throughout the set. (credit:Jerry Lin)
Staggered Row To Tricep Extension, Step One(148 of158)
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Grab a medium set of dumbbells. Starting with your feet together in a closed-legged squat, bring your arms into your body tightly for a row with your palms facing inward and your shoulders drawing down your back. Squeeze your scapula together tight. (credit:Jerry Lin)
Staggered Row To Tricep Extension, Step Two(149 of158)
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Step your right leg back as you bring your arms back into extension (which works the triceps). Step the right leg in and row the arms in again. (credit:Jerry Lin)
Alternating Lunges With Reach, Step Two(150 of158)
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Slowly bring your back leg into starting position and alternate between sides. (credit:Jerry Lin)
Staggered Row To Tricep Extension, Step Three(151 of158)
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Switch legs to bring your left leg back, bringing your arms into a triceps extension again. Alternate between sides. (credit:Jerry Lin)
Plank Rows, Step One(152 of158)
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With medium weights, place your hands directly underneath your shoulders, your feet hip-distance apart in plank pose. Balance on your hands and toes. (credit:Jerry Lin)
Plank Rows, Step Two(153 of158)
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With your core engaged, row the arm tightly into the body, drawing your scapula in towards the centre of your back. Stabilize through the body, avoiding hip rotation. Lower the weight to the ground. Alternate between sides. (credit:Jerry Lin)
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NEXT: How to lose fat with these five exercises (click here for the full article)
Squats (155 of158)
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Keep all of your weight in your heels. Keep your knees behind your toes. Hold your shoulders back and keep your core muscles fully engaged. (credit:Shutterstock)
Lunges (156 of158)
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Keep your weight in the forward stepping heel. Dropping the back leg to a 90 degree angle. Keep core muscles fully engaged. Stack shoulders over hips. (credit:Shutterstock)
Deadlifts (157 of158)
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Hold weight in the heels. Keep spine erect. Core muscles fully engaged. Drive through the heels while forcing your shoulders and head straight up (credit:Shutterstock)
Burpees (158 of158)
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Begin standing straight up, bend down and place your hands on either side of your feet. Engage the core and jump both feet back into a push up position. Quickly jump both feet back into place between your hands and jump straight up. (credit:Shutterstock)