
Ben Black

Director, My Family Care

Ben Black is Director of My Family Care which provides childcare support to employers at businesses such as P&G, Barclays, KPMG, Deloitte, and IBM. He is also one of the founding members of Tinies which has 20 nurseries/crèches under management and 30 childcare agencies and founded Good Care Guide, the Trip Advisor type site for the childcare industry.

About My Family Care - My Family Care - Making work+family work. My Family Care is the leading provider of family friendly solutions to companies in the UK and internationally. My Family Care is passionate about helping employers with their work+family strategies and implementing employee solutions. Our vision is to prove that the employee who combines career and family successfully can be the most engaged and productive member of any team. My Family Care services include Consultancy & Training, Care Search, Backup Care, and Life Transition Coaching.