
Jordi Casamitjana

Head of Policy and Research, League Against Cruel Sports

Originally from Catalonia, but resident in the UK for several decades, Jordi is a Zoologist specialising in animal behaviour (Ethologist), who has been involved in different aspects of animal protection for over 20 years.

In addition to scientific research he has worked mostly as an investigator, animal welfare consultant and animal protection campaigner, both freelance and for many reputable animal advocacy organisations in different countries.

Currently Head of Policy and Research for the League Against Cruel Sports, providing expertise on issues such as fox hunting, trophy hunting and bullfighting.

Jordi's most notable work has been his involvement with the first successful prosecutions under the Hunting Act 2004 (when working for the League Against Cruel Sports), the exposé of trail hunting as a false alibi (when working for IFAW) and his participation in the campaign that led to the ban on bullfighting in Catalonia (as a consultant of PROU).