5 Cute Animal Pictures Of The Week: Cow Plays Football And A Poodle In A Boiler Suit


If the darker mornings have completely messed with your system and you feel like you need a boost, here goes. It is time, ladies and gents, for animals of the week...

1. This cow gives Messi a run for his money.

Nothing to see here, just a cow showing off her immense dribbling skills. The story behind the clip is udderly heartwarming – Lotta lives on a farm in Sweden and suffers with stress. The cow can often be found playing fetch with her owner Jasmine Fenah Sjögren in order to take her mind off things.

Next stop, Premier League.

2. This award-winning pup catching a ball.

Some worthy winners have been announced in this year’s Photobox Instagram Photography Awards (PIPAs) but there’s only one top dog in our minds: Ted the poodle who was snapped by his owner catching a ball mid-flight, while wearing what appears to be a boiler suit.

Ted’s snap-happy owner Darren Hall from Newcastle-upon-Tyne won the ‘Instagram Photograph of the Year 2018’ which came with a £5,000 prize. We hope Ted gets some decent toys because, let’s face it, he did all the hard work here.

Go Ted, go!
Go Ted, go!

3. These adorable kittens need your help.

Marrok and Rodolfo, a pair of tiny blind kittens, were able to have life-altering surgery recently thanks to the kind donations of strangers. Now fully recovered from their operation, the 15-week old kitties are seeking an indoor home together in London, without other animals or young children.

Kerri Graffham, senior cat care assistant at Cats Protection’s Mitcham Homing Centre, said: “It’s amazing how well they cope without their eyes. They use the litter tray perfectly and eat, drink and play like any other kittens.” (Anyone in London who wants to offer them a home can contact 0300 012 0285 or mitcham@cats.org.uk. Check out the other cats in need of homes here.)

Cats Protection

4. This squirrel who’s famous on campus.

Sneezy Squirrel lives on campus at Pennsylvania State University where it has graduated from the odd Twitter cameo to its very own account, set up by Mary Krupa, a former senior English major at the University, who was also known as “the squirrel whisperer”.

Incredibly all of the photos are real and not Photoshopped.

#PennState is perhaps best known for the The @NittanyLion, but we have another representative from the animal kingdom - @SneezySquirrel!

Here are some of our favorite fall fashions from this ritzy rodent to enjoy on #WorldAnimalDay pic.twitter.com/8xERnVPeYn

— Penn State World Campus (@PSUWorldCampus) October 4, 2018

5. These meerkat pups greeting the world.

Symbio wildlife park in Sydney recently welcomed five meerkat babies and they are completely and utterly adorable. Prepare to fall head over heels for this tiny and oh-so-perfect brood.

Want your pet to appear in next week’s cute animals round up? Send your pet’s photo to natasha.hinde@huffpost.com with a brief explanation as to why they deserve to be featured.
